“Reddit but you can block the part that annoys you”
“Reddit but you can block the part that annoys you”
does anyone know why this sudden uptick?
Every Linux user has to go through a period of compulsive distro hopping. Don’t worry, eventually you’ll grow tired of it and just settle on one workhorse distro.
How long until CPUs and GPUs just merge into one thing
planetary protection is a joke
It is kind of interesting how open machine learning already is without much explicit advocacy for it.
It’s the only field I can think of where the open version is just a few months behind SOTA in all of IT.
Open training pipelines and open data are the only aspects that could still use improvements in ML, but there are plenty of projects that are near-SOTA and fully open.
ML is extremely open compared to consumer mobile or desktop apps that are always ~10 years behind SOTA
I think you are looking at work horse distros, like Ubuntu, Fedora, etc… That by now are heavily used for productive work, not personal use. So they favor stability and minor quality of life improvements over shiny new updates.
There’s plenty shiny new cutting edge distros out there that are innovating, e.g. Nix, Silverblue, VanillaOS, all the container focused ones CoreOS, Container OS, Flatcar Container Linux and probably dozens more newer ones I am not aware of .
oh that is very neato, if I do say so myself
Off-topic: That website is so nice. I’ve never seen any mobile site load that fast and look as nice
none, I was just blessed with the role against my will because no one else was around
any good parent would proudly get them a Smell-O-Scope😤
imagine spending your whole life on education just to spend the rest of it on detecting farts
BlackberryPi Flipper Zero with LoRa and a thermal camera (because why not) would be cool
you could just design an alogorithm that heavily favors any posts physically close to you. the closer they are, the higher in your feed.
More like Hammer Industries
Also: “NixOS’s declarative configuration allows you to define your entire system configuration, including software packages, services, and system settings, in a single configuration file.”
as is tradition
the aliens watching me for entertainment: oh no, he has installed gentoo and qubes, he is too far gone
desktop linux is turning into android lmao
let’s just rebrand instances to superleddits and communities to subleddits 🤣