The cruelty is the point.
The cruelty is the point.
I’m guessing 1 out of 10 respondents didn’t understand the question.
I assume he’s including himself in “tech leaders”.
As much as I’d like to see Johnson out of the speaker’s seat, they’re only going to replace him with someone even worse.
Considering he shot himself in the head before the bomb went off, yeah, I’d say that’s off the table.
I feel like this is a false equivalence. Rather than compare the web to TV or radio I think it’s more accurate to regard the internet as a medium then compare that to RF transmission. Just as we went from text communication (Morse code) to audio transmission to video transmission over radio waves, we’ve gone from email to RealPlayer to Youtube and beyond.
I do find it somewhat ironic that television evolved from over-the-air broadcast to direct-connect cable, while internet technologies have gone from landlines to WIFI and 5G.
In addition to all this, try clearing your Google and Youtube cookies.
Pizza is like sex. Even when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good.
fuck every republican
who voted for this.
May I mambo dogface to the banana patch?
Those companies paid to have their buttons on the remote. Your TV manufacturer is not going to threaten their sponsorship deal by letting you use those buttons for anything else.
BlueskAI on the other hand…
Not when Elon can sue companies into continuing to advertise on Twitter.
Found it, thanks!
Where would I find that setting? I have an S22 Ultra and I can’t seem to find it. Unless my phone has fallen out of support…
The question has been answered, but How Stuff Works has a good article which goes into detail.
I mean, vote out Republicans because they’re absolute scum, but your thing works too.
I don’t know about that. Remember that the Secret Service “lost” all their text messages from Jan 6th.
M-Discs are not like standard Blu-rays, they were designed specifically for long-term archive storage. If you follow the link at the top of this thread you can get some more detailed information on them. They’re supposed to last several hundred years, but of course no one has empirical evidence of that yet.