i knew that comment would be triggering for some readers, yet, would have hope for more structured arguments.
This Earth, the only true home i ever had and will ever have, is not my world, i’m just a passerby in here … it is yours and it is strange.
i knew that comment would be triggering for some readers, yet, would have hope for more structured arguments.
Global warming is about to destroy a large fraction of the world and it is mostly caused by these CO2 emissions, so, we should absolutely decreased them. This being said whatever the number of companies, would it be 36, 22 or 10 producing fuels, if we didn’t use these fuels, no companies would be producing them in the first place.
Mechanism to decrease CO2 might have to go through lawsuits, whatever. But putting the blame on theses is stupid : it’s just a way to deny our collective responsibility.
Next time it has to be on the front line with American negotiators required to crawl under barbed wire to get there.
Kill switches makes USA’s F35 garbage in EU
There is more in this study than “SafetyCore”
i hope this is just one step in a strategy beginning by telling Trump he is not one in the “Coalition Of The Willing” anymore.
Things may escalate rapidly after staying stating Europe’s position.
Update : v3.0 now available
i went back to the root of the conversation thread for which i gave the comment link in the header of this post and i got this :
From : @DuskyRo@lemmy.world
SafetyCore Placeholder so if it ever tries to reinstall itself it will fail due to signature mismatch.
201 upvotes … 0 downvotes
Also all replies in this thread are nice and based. … Looks legit to me.
These verification could still be usefull … i would appreciate them.
Per one tech forum
GBAtemp.net - The Independent Video Game Community
this week: “Google has quietly installed an app on all Android devices called ‘Android System SafetyCore’. It claims to be a ‘security’ application, but whilst running in the background, it collects call logs, contacts, location, your microphone, and much more making this application ‘spyware’ and a HUGE privacy concern. It is strongly advised to uninstall this program if you can.
… →
Remove the following 2 spywares :
Android System SafetyCore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.safetycore
Android System Key Verifier: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.contactkeys
i believe this application hides in different ways on different devices and maybe it is also different by regions making it even worse to detect and explain to someone else. So, i wouldn’t be surprised if you told me you found it in a different way than how it was explained in my comment.
Even worse, i found this comment in the app store and it did the same on my device :
Installed automatically without my knowledge, no notification, only found it because of a friend’s post, and even then, you only see it through a link, it doesn’t come up in your app list or a search of the Google play store. I thought it felt like my battery was draining a little quicker too, which is apparently also something noticed in connection to having this app. Uninstalling.
The app can be found here :
Scientist say it’s possible, yet let’s see Lemmy users deny this possibility.
The USA is a small island in Europe and identifying lies is important.
Same for me, “creator” doesn’t sound such a bell about Goddesses (or Gods) either.
i strongly condemn what is now, in my opinion, the inevitable invasion of Taiwan by China.
There is no such LTE modem mentioned in the article, neither in images, so I think there is none. Yet, one image says WiFi…
Oh ! … i get it thanks. Very surprised, i am though that so many users are contributing to such an old and insignificant tread …
Once again i struggle understanding a simple English sentence. please help me :
(…) who part computer.
1st interpretation would be written differently for me … i would write it like :
“for those who are part human, part computer” so i would have to reject that one.
2nd interpretation would be reading “part” as a verb … like dividing something into parts. So : “taking a computer into many pieces”
Since I’m not sure how this second interpretation works, i start doubting my capacity and believe there might be a third interpretation …
D’accord peut-être que la structure est la même … mais étant donné que j’ai de la difficulté à comprendre l’anglais, souvent je dois décomposer les phrases et les recomposer … c’est ce que j’ai dû faire dans le présent cas.
Well ok maybe, but but but … i struggle understanding English since i was born french … so sometimes i have to, (like this once), decompose and recompose sentences to get ze meaning.
i don’t know. Maybe this is what happens when reading English through a French mind.
For ordinary folks :
Changing the name of such folders breaks “sharing”. This means that (external) access is then blocked.