• jet@hackertalks.com
    1 year ago

    How do you wake up in the morning? If nothing you do matters. How do you continue to go on in this life?

    And just because you believe nothing you do matters, doesnt mean it applies to other people.

    Other people matter, I matter… I’m even going to go out on a limb and say you matter. You live, you interact with people, you’re part of a society, there’s somebody out there who would be unhappy when you die. You matter. You matter in your own little corner of the world, and your attitudes and your interactions impact the people around you. You matter.

    So I’m going to continue to tell people

    • genocide is bad
    • ethnic cleansing is bad
    • killing people is bad

    I’m going to tell everybody, and I’m going to fight with anybody who disagrees, because it matters.

    Update: One more point about how small the world is, 6° of separation is a real thing, everyone is within six degrees of every other person on this planet. Meaning if you actually talk to your social networks, you will find people who have suffered horrible injustices that are directly related to you.

    Any one of us could hop on an airplane right now, and end up in part of the world that is suffering terribly within a few hours.

    We can actively work together, to make the world better, or we can work together to make the world worse, or we can sit idly by will other people make the world worse. I know which one of these options I prefer.

    • SirToxicAvenger@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      hey man if what you need to do to get you through your day is to spout off “things are bad” like some off-kilter street preacher, then knock yourself out. dont let little old me and logical argument stop you. you do you - you know how to do it best! be the best you that you can be!

      biological imperatives dictate that I get up in the morning, I perform my ablutions, I consume a tasty caffeinated beverage and I go off to my job like a fine, upstanding, tax-paying, obedient citizen of this great nation because I am a proud member of it. but you’re right, nothing I do matters. all I strive to be, all I work towards, it’s this black pit of woe and despair. but… perhaps what we do matters! maybe! I mean, not a fucking chance, but maybe I’m wrong! maybe there’s a shining light and the end of this desolate existence! but i doubt it.

      oh yeah, you’re totally right about that 6 degrees of separation thing - the world we live in is getting smaller each and every day. as the world condenses into the singularity (as foretold) I have indeed found myself interacting with people that have different experiences. like, we brought in a new guy at work last year - he’s from Afghanistan, he worked against his people and his nation to get in good with the Americans and when they left so did he. his insights into what’s going on over there have been really interesting. but nothing that he does is going to change what’s happening to his extended family back in the old country. theres going to be famine there - perhaps not this year but very, very soon. and there’s nothing anyone can do to prevent it. nothing really matters.

      is genocide bad? yeah. does it matter if you tell people that? not really

      is ethnic cleansing bad? most folks would say yes. does it matter much? nope

      is it bad to kill others? even if you’ve been granted absolution by your government/religious faith/community leaders? even if the voices in your head require it? maybe. there’s not a real, concrete answer for that one. the reality is that it depends on the situation. sometimes it’s perfectly acceptable to kill others - shit, you might even get a medal and raise for it if you’re lucky!

      • jet@hackertalks.com
        1 year ago

        The only issue I have with your last statement is your arguments are not logically consistent.

        A lot of your responses have been emotional, appealing to feelings, rather than a cohesive interconnected philosophical framework that’s internally consistent. And that’s fine, just don’t assume I’m responding in the same way.

        • SirToxicAvenger@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          yep, I’m an aspiring politician - or perhaps faith leader. it’s basically the same thing - lying to the proles. one needs to learn to appeal to the common man/woman/whatever. the need to find meaning of existence. the need to know what we do matters - that the individual matters. the need to be significant, or be seen as contributing to that significance - it’s accumulation of social credit. an appeal to emotion - and yes, to feelings. feelings existed before language - and language existed before religion, but only just. tapping into that power is the only magic that truly exists

          no, it’s quite all right - you respond how you respond. how you’ve been shaped to respond ;)

          • mriormro@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            Christ, you’ve used a whole lot of words to say a bunch of nothing throughout this whole comment chain. This is the kind of high school nihilism that used to spew out 4chan.

            • SirToxicAvenger@lemm.ee
              1 year ago

              and yet you keep returning, like a moth to a flame. sort of poetic. sad too - you’ve not grown at all