• irotsoma@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Not exactly. I just think trying to apply a single threaded, cyclical processing model on a process that is neither threaded nor executed in measurable cycles is nonsensical. On a very, very abstract level it’s similar to taking the concept of dividing a pie between a group of people. If you think in terms of the object that you give to each person needing to be something recognizable as pie, then maybe a 9-inch pie can be divided 20 or 30 times. Bit if you stop thinking about the pie, and start looking at what the pie is made up of, you can divide it so many times that it’s unthinkable. I mean, sure there’s a limit. At some point there’s got to be some three dimensional particle of matter that can no longer be divided, but it just doesn’t make sense to use the same scale or call it the same thing.

      Anyway, I’m not upset about it. It’s just dumb. And thinking about it is valuable because companies are constantly trying to assign a monetary value to a human brain so they can decide when they can replace it with a computer. But we offer much different value, true creativity and randomness, pattern recognition, and true multitasking, versus fast remixing of predefined blocks of information and raw, linear calculation speed. There can be no fair comparison between a brain and a computer and there are different uses for both. And the “intelligence” in modern “AI” is not he same as in human intelligence. And likely will never be with digital computers.