There seems to be a common pattern of HR being disliked in firms and workplaces across different industries no matter where you’re focused on.

To be honest during my apprenticeship/internship HR weren’t too bad and would have a laugh with you, hell one of them loved the dark humor from one of our technicians.

Is there something I’m missing that HR are soul less and will protect the interests of a firm before yourself? I’m not sure as I think not all HR people are terrible, just comes with the territory so to speak

What are your thoughts on the matter?

What do YOU think of them as a department from your current and past experiences?

    20 days ago

    Good HR people are there to protect the company, yes, but they’re also there to protect the employees.

    Their primary responsibility is to protect the company, protecting employees only matters in the context of protecting the company.

    Didn’t bother reading the rest, because you’re already bullshitting.

    Source: almost 4 decades in very large (tens of thousands of employees) companies

      20 days ago

      Does it matter what their intentions are if the result is that they end up protecting employees too? They are being paid by the company too, and it’s their job to make sure the company follows legal practices to ensure the company doesn’t get sued. Of course they have an incentive to protect the company, but any trained and educated HR person knows that treating employees well is a great way to protect the company.

      Does it always work out that way? No. Why? There are HR people who are bad at their jobs or intentionally malicious or unscrupulous, yes. There are also “HR departments” that are run by family members of an executive of the company and don’t have any idea what they’re doing.

      All I’m saying is that HR departments, most of them, at least try to talk executives into doing the right thing, but at the end of the day HR doesn’t get to make the final decision.

      If you’re mad at the HR department of your company for something, it almost certainly wasn’t their idea.

      Or in very simple terms, don’t shoot the messenger.

        19 days ago

        They are being paid by the company

        I overlooked this part. That’s where the conflict of humanity comes in.