I know that it’s popular to dismiss President Biden. I get it. He’s old. This is the first election featuring the 2 oldest candidates, ever. So what? The future of the WORLD is literally dependent on this election. To boot Biden from the ticket and try to bootstrap another candidate is madness. Booting this incumbent and hoping his VP will succeed is like firing the cook and hoping the dishwasher will give you Michelin-quality food. Stick with the old man, and figure out a way to enact his popular policies while also expanding the Supreme Court, enacting term limits and limiting “Christian” Nationalists.

  • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    I think you keep calling this a conspiracy to discredit normal party politics and I think I’m tired of telling you it’s not a conspiracy. The simple explanation is the Party doesn’t want incumbent challenges and so it does what it can to prevent them, so it doesn’t do debates and doesn’t help candidates get their name out and openly supports the incumbent.

    Look, whether you think political parties do anything or not doesn’t matter anyway. We’re about to see if Biden is going to be forced out of the race, and maybe if he is you’ll see that party pressure exists and that it doesn’t all come down to individual free agents acting of the own will without outside pressure changing their decisions.

    And if he’s forced out I’m sure you’ll handwave it as just being a personal choice between him and his family, and the Party had little to do with it. 🙄

    • Carrolade@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      No, it’s a conspiracy. People coordinating secretively, in your assertion applying behind the scenes pressure to prevent people who may want to run from running for a government seat, without admitting to it. If it’s not a conspiracy, show me some evidence of where people have talked openly about it.

      Without evidence, it is not just a conspiracy, it’s a conspiracy theory.

      It does not matter if it makes sense to you, we do not simply try to apply “sense” to what we see, we look at evidence. Because what makes sense to one individual may not make sense to another, this is just a basic challenge of life. Qanon makes sense to Trump fans for instance. Evidence goes beyond individual sense, though.

      And again, I already said, twice that yes, influence exists. Sway, lobbying, convincing, etc. This is distinct from control, command, force. This fine line is the difference between reality, with things like money and polls and convincing arguments, and imaginary conspiracy theories like yours or Qanon.

      Unless, you can present evidence of someone receiving this pressure not to run? At any point in the past 30 years? It’d be news to me, I would be very interested in hearing about this. But I want evidence, not supposition from random internet people.

      edit: Significant pressure too, please. Not just a quote from some random official saying “don’t run pls”. People are entitled to have their own opinions, and this is distinct from a pattern of coercion. You’ve mentioned people’s careers being ruined, for instance.

      edit2: You know, they would have blocked Katie Porter if they could’ve blocked anyone. Instead they had a drag-out, brutal primary contest with her and a moderate, that she lost. If they stopped people, they’d have stopped her instead of having to win a bruising election at the cost of millions.

      • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
        3 months ago

        Now that he’s been forced out, do you feel ridiculous for twisting yourself into a pretzel trying to support him?

        And, like I predicted, will you deny he was forced out and just claim this was a personal decision?

        • Carrolade@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Remember when I said I’d put $20 on him dropping out within a week? :) And he decided. He honestly, truly could’ve told them all to screw off and ran again, but chose to listen to them instead. I think he could’ve beat Trump too, had he stayed.

          I wasn’t defending him incidentally, though I am a supporter. I was fighting a conspiracy theory that the DNC and not Biden had the final decision. I hate DNC-controls-who-runs conspiracy theories with a passion.

          • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
            3 months ago

            And you still don’t think the DNC ultimately decided Biden needed to drop out?

            He was forced out by donors. That’s pretty clearly a party decision.

            • Carrolade@lemmy.world
              3 months ago

              There is no shadowy secretive DNC group that made some united decision, no. Most donors wanted him to go, along with a lot of legislators and even Obama. Others like the Clintons and the more progressive wing were supporting him.

              However, even if 100% of all democrats on Earth, including leaders, decided he needed to leave, but one man named Joe Biden disagreed and refused, he would still be running.

              You understand how that works?

              • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
                3 months ago

                However, even if 100% of all democrats on Earth, including leaders, decided he needed to leave, but one man named Joe Biden disagreed and refused, he would still be running.

                You understand how that works?

                What you seem to refuse to accept is Republicans want him to leave.

                Yes, Trump can beat him and he’s a weak candidate, but the Republican base thinks he stole the election and Hunter Biden is a kingpin of an international criminal enterprise and he’s a radical socialist that’s flooding the country with “”“illegals”“” and other such bullshit. Democrats could join the Republican witch hunt against Hunter Biden or invoke the 25th Amendment and enough Republicans would be willing to work with Democrats because it would satisfy their electoral base.

                You reject the idea that Republicans would ever work with Democrats on literally anything, but I think the one thing they could agree on is destroying Biden.

                Also? One Republican decided Trump needed to leave and he almost succeeded. I’m just saying, if 100% of Democrats decided Biden needed to leave…

                • Carrolade@lemmy.world
                  3 months ago

                  I find it pretty laughable that republicans need to satisfy their base. Their base wants immigration control more than anything, when McConnell put a bill forward with the strongest immigration control in decades, Trump killed it to avoid giving Biden the win.

                  They believe whatever Trump and Fox tell them to believe, so what actually happens doesn’t matter. Their voters’ wants are 100% irrelevant, so long as they talk tough and own some libs. That’s the soul of MAGA. So no, they would never remove Biden at this point, they’d protect him just like Dems protected Mike Johnson earlier this year despite hating him. Politics are complicated, not simple. Trying to make them fit simple explanations causes problems.

                  edit: Oh, and I never rejected that repubs and dems can work together, that must’ve been someone else. They worked together to get aid to Ukraine earlier this year.

                  • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
                    3 months ago

                    The Republican base has grown far beyond Fox these days, they’re all across the internet and streaming services now.

                    I will say that Trump and Trump alone could maybe keep Republicans from joining Democrats in their campaign against Biden. I just don’t think he would. I think he’d delight at the chaos it was causing and present himself as the reason Biden was forced out.