Taiwan’s newly inaugurated president William Lai has called on China to stop threatening the island and accept the existence of its democracy.

He urged Beijing to replace confrontation with dialogue, shortly after being sworn in on Monday.

He also said Taiwan would never back down in the face of intimidation from China, which has long claimed the island as its own.

China responded by saying, “Taiwan independence is a dead end”.

“Regardless of the pretext or the banner under which it is pursued, the push for Taiwan independence is destined to fail,” China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at the daily press briefing on Monday afternoon.

  • thechadwick@lemmy.world
    5 个月前

    Man is it refreshing to hear a Taiwanese perspective in the mix. Every post, every comment is a bunch of armchair “experts” talking about an issue they clearly haven’t the slightest personal experience or context for. Not to come off as a jerk but it sure would be nice to hear what the actual people involved think instead of rank speculation. Reminds me of all the infectious disease experts during covid and military strategists in Feb 2022.