DOTS: github Let me know if I forgot to add something
OS: Void Linux
Browser: firefox
Startpage: my own
Fetch: rxfetch
Other programs: x11+picom, sxiv, neovim, xwallpaper, zathura, mpv, newsboat, shellcaster, mpd with ncmpccppcppp, lf, Dunst, ImageMagick, ffmpeg, xsecurelock
colorscheme - gruvbox-material
fonts - martian mono, be vietnam pro icons - fontawesome
video - cbum on mordern wisdom podcast
Special thanks to all the following poeple:
it’s a good sci-fi, 4X, turn-based video game. The lore is about an extinct powerful godlike civilization called the endless. Many artifacts / places / technologies / songs are called “… …of the endless”. So the title “Dream of the Endless” made me think of it