K good luck making any progress or solving any problems whatsoever then*. One day you might realize that the real world is shitty and messy and requires compromise.
K good luck making any progress or solving any problems whatsoever then*. One day you might realize that the real world is shitty and messy and requires compromise.
Nah, I’m just saying you’re being too picky. Right now, I don’t really think there’s anything wrong with rallying around a message of “Not Trump, Not Fascism”. You know, considering those are the things that are currently dismantling our democracy.
Calling people turncoats when they should be considered allies does nothing to fight the real, current threat in office. All this infighting just sets us back and puts us further down the road to fascism. This quest for the perfect liberal party is a waste of effort because it’s so pie-in-the-sky and borderline impossible to actually achieve in any meaningful length of time.
It sucks, but that’s reality. Our democracy is fucked, and trying to find even more idealist liberals to replace the likes of Bernie and AOC isn’t gonna fix it.
You know what, I’d take “not good enough” over “actively dismantling our democracy”, but fuck me I guess
You’d save a lot of pointless back and forth in threads like this if you just say what you mean, instead of making people drag it out of you bit by bit.
Brother what else is Colombia supposed to do to prevent an ethnic cleanse in an unfriendly state, other than sending planes to rescue their people from that state? Do you want them to declare war on the United States or what?
If you have constructive feedback, it seems like the photographer is open to it. It’s not dunking on anyone to say “hey great work and cool idea, just so you know the image looks a little “off” on my screen, possibly due to my accessibility settings, which are blah blah blah… hope this helps, thanks for the great work!”
I remember when you pretty much only used Amazon to buy books
Plenty of UI applications* are this bad
Right? Like my dude, bare minimum at least write down those steps in a text document so you can reference it the next time you have to add something. Bonus points for putting it on some shared internal wiki or whatever Microsoft uses.
I’m pretty sure I went to a UCC church as a kid and had a great time doing arts and crafts at “Sunday school” lol. I don’t remember learning a lick about religion, but I do remember the bomb-ass potlucks, and how our pastor was one of the coolest, kindest people I’ve ever met.
Sounds pretty gay tbh
Not really, “wealthy white males” is a group that could contain millions of people. In no context does “wealthy white males” exclusively mean billionaires.
The only white males that will benefit from a trump presidency are billionaires. Anyone else isn’t voting inline with their best interests
Why exclude the wealthy white males?
Here’s my point: if landlords change basically everything about how “renting” works so that it’s basically indistinguishable from property ownership from the tenant’s point of view, they’d qualify to be non-parasitic.
Yes, except without Microsoft spying on you
The question is what they should do in order to be fair and non-parasitic.
Sell their properties to their tenants, or grant tenants equity in the property based on how much they pay in rent (ie, co-ownership).
So far, I understand that you’re convinced ownership is necessary if any payment is involved. What I don’t understand is why*.
For an exchange to not be parasitic, both parties must gain something equal to what they lose. This, by definition, means that a renter must be able to pay zero dollars for rent in months where the landlord doesn’t have to make a mortgage payment and doesn’t need to do any maintenance on the property.
We agreed that people should be paid for their labour. What makes home rentals special in that regard?
As I’ve already said, landlords don’t provide a service equivalent to the payment provided, and the indefinite nature of a lease makes it impossible for a landlord to ever provide value equal to what a renter pays. As long as a tenant lives in a rented space, they have to pay a fee for the privilege, even if they’ve paid enough to pay for the mortgage many times over. You can’t convince me that a landlord can provide potentially multiple properties worth of value over the span of a lease.
Dawg they are having an existential crisis. A bunch of us are, because just about every thread on the big communities on here remind us of how shit things are every day. I wouldn’t rather be numb to it, and I’m not suggesting other people to be numb to it. I’m saying it’s funny that someone wrote a comment about how much this site reminds them of all the shit going on, then someone replies directly to them with a list of more shit.
Please don’t get yourself into the mindset that because everything is shit, we all have to feel like shit all the time too.
Landlords don’t do that. Until they do, they’re parasites.
Also, I can’t tell if you’ve realized by now, but everything I’ve been describing as ways to make landlording “fair” is just a roundabout description of ownership.
Nah, if anything, your “absolutely no compromises” approach is the one smearing black paint all over everything. That level of inflexibility and brittleness will only get in the way of actually accomplishing things.