Dan Abnett. Eisenhorn, Gaunt, and Bequin. I understand that the setting doesn’t necessarily appeal to everyone, but the way he writes prose is beautiful in my opinion. And he writes excellent characters.
Dan Abnett. Eisenhorn, Gaunt, and Bequin. I understand that the setting doesn’t necessarily appeal to everyone, but the way he writes prose is beautiful in my opinion. And he writes excellent characters.
Actually that is exactly what I’m looking to do for my upcoming home server - configure and define everything via NixOS so that I can almost instantly reprovision it should I have to (restore from backup on hardware issues, recover from borked software upgrades, etc).
Setting up solid backups is important to me, so I plan to bake the full setup into the configuration. That allows me to test everything in a VM first and then apply it all with a simple GIT fetch and rebuild once I commit to hardware.
It’s aspirational so far, but the more I read the more sense it makes to me. My own desktop won’t be far behind if all of that works…
Wheel of Time would be amazing, unlike the show.
Window -> Mint -> Mint Debian -> Arch -> NixOS (not complete yet)
I am incredibly happy with NixOS, I love having my entire OS and software configuration in a GIT repo, commits and comments included.