Thoughts and prayers to the other ceos out there
Thoughts and prayers to the other ceos out there
Well, poor maga poor then. Consequences.
Cry me a river.
Sorry boomer, don’t give a fuck.
I wonder what this person’s life has been like since then. Did that experience change them to be a good person, or have they continued to be a terrible human. But at 100, I can’t imagine they are going to imprison them? But it would be good to have a testimony about what happened.
But I’ll be rich, and then I can leave this place. Besides, whatever task force is doing this will be overwhelmed. Remember when Utah had that website to report trans bathroom use? It was flooded with bogus claims to clog their system.
Either way, I seriously doubt they actually plan to PAY out. I have to imagine there’s a ton of paperwork that never gets finished.
Red states will just be exempt
This bounty is going to backfire. I’m just gonna call them and report every fast food place in the phone book and take in the cash. Does it say the claim needs to lead to an arrest? Probably not.
Let them keep the ban.
That won’t work. Most of their constituents think they will become ghosts soon
They are going to ban any reference to a round earth next
The rich want you to think anyone who doesn’t live paycheck to paycheck is rich, so you fight them, when the real problem is much deeper. But I can understand how these concepts elude you. They do a good job at brainwashing.
Yeah I didn’t realize it either. Seems like a business that should be a non-profit.
sitcom laugh track
ML: but what about genocide Joe?!?!
He will build a golf course on all that newly available beach front property.
Let’s do more action and less talking and protesting.
I wish I was that limber
Perhaps once they get out they will be labeled as disabled and will be paid less.
Yeah a lot of people are like, “it won’t happen.” And I sure hope they’re right. Fortunately for me, I live in a state where this won’t be so quick to happen… so I’ll have enough warning to get out.
Nice way to silence anyone who disagrees with you.