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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • i know you can make the wheel work the opposite way, jesus christ. the circle motion the path of the car makes when you turn left is the same as when you turn the wheel to the conventional left. imagine, instead you steered “left” by a joystick. the car would still draw the same circular path the same fucking way, because turning left makes an anticlockwise circle, every time, in every situation.

  • No im trying to illustrate the parallels between how you turn the wheel, how the car turns in response to that , and how they are all related. You turn left you will make the exact same rotational movement, with both the vehicle, and the steering wheel.

    It’s as simple as, “What direction do you turn the wheel to make the car go left?” I just stacked on top “and also it makes the car itself do that same exact circular movement” so you don’t just dismiss this as some kind of arbitrary convention.

  • i do not think its historical revisionism to say that the South was the Bad Side in the american civil war. there may have been other motivations beyond slavery for either side but the primary disagreement was over that one pretty specific issue! i feel pretty confident saying that slavery is unequivocally bad, even if people who technically could be considered my political predecessors did it!

    and i used the example of liberal regimes specifically because I know there’s hundreds of examples of it being true, it wasn’t an attempt to paint what you said as false. it was an attempt to highlight the weird, almost non-sequitur defensive nature of the response. like someone saying that pie is good and then posting a response about how apples are actually a source of CYANIDE!!!

  • The major breakthrough here is a method for interfacing brain like organic tissue (that they had already developed) with electronic components. They’re using the brain tissue in a similar fashion as a neural network based AI and training it to relay signals to electronic components in response to certain stimuli, if I understood the article correctly; I skimmed quite a bit though.