That’s it young man, I’m revoking your DNA privileges
That’s it young man, I’m revoking your DNA privileges
The way I see it, creatives lose no matter what here, so they can either lose and only the corpos benefit, or they can lose and everyone benefits
OpenAI losing their case is how we ensure that the only people who can legally be in charge of an LLM are massive corporations with enough money to license sufficient source material for training, so I’m forced to begrudgingly take their side here
“The three biggest social media sites on the internet are nothing but screenshots of the other two” is how I heard the last 10 years described
Depending on how important these large language models end up being to society, I’d rather everyone be able to freely use copyrighted works to train them, rather than reserve their use solely for the corporations rich enough to pay for the licensing or lucky enough to already have the rights to a trove of source material
OpenAI losing this battle is how we ensure that the only people that can legally train these things are the Microsofts, Googles, and the Adobes of the world so, bizarrely, as much as I think OpenAI has turned into greedy corpo scum, I feel compelled to side with them here
Arguing with someone, within the confines of the marketplace of ideas, about how the marketplace of ideas should be abolished, is a fools errand
If they refuse to even agree to the basic social ground rules of discourse whatever they have to say isn’t even worth entertaining
Every single one of your upvotes on lemmy is already public due to how the protocol works, it’s just currently obscured by a bit of work to get them (have to run your own instance, assuming there already isn’t some online tool to easily look them up)
Making them publicly and easily visible would only remove the illusion of privacy we currently have, not actually make your upvote logs less secured in any way
I tried that but it doesn’t run very well on the Pentium II
We already had first Microsoft anti-trust suit, but what about second Microsoft anti-trust suit?
I’ll keep that in mind for the next time I need to run a DNS server on a Pentium II system
I think I can spare the 55mb of ram my pihole container takes up
Every browser is either chromium (open source captured by Google) or exists because of a Google search contract (this represents 80% of Mozilla’s revenue), Google can’t lose
Chrome really needs to be broken off from Google, the largest ad company owning the largest browser is clearly a huge conflict of interest
Seeing that half of my extensions (it was seriously like 10 of them) were going to be disabled is what pushed me to finally switch to Firefox because if I have to find alternatives to them it might as well be on another browser
Russian tank -> Ukrainian scrap metal
Married Russian woman -> Widowed Lada owner
It’s extremely frightening but now that the rule of law is dead in America, I am forced to ask myself, what are my red lines? One person in this country has almost completely unchecked power, what would a criminal president have to do before I start condoning violence?
I’m running out of boxes of liberty here
We’re supposed to be evolving into a more free society… this is just going backwards.
You have discovered the great fallacy, the presumption that democracy and freedom are the natural course of things: they are not. Every single inch of it we have was taken by force from kings and dictators, and they’re always waiting in the shadows for their opportunity to take it back.
The peace dividend created by the end of the cold war has unfortunately made an entire generation of people who believe this fallacy, this is one of the glaring reminders that it’s not true. Democracy and freedom are things that must be actively maintained in perpetuity by everyone who wants them, we must be ready and willing to use all four boxes of democracy (soap, ballot, jury, AND ammo) to defend it for the rest of our lives. We must educate, we must vote, we must nullify unjust laws, and we must arm ourselves, because at the end of the day, violence is the one enforcement method that everyone is forced to listen to. It doesn’t matter how right you are if the other side has more people willing to kill and die for their cause than yours does, so we better damn well make sure that’s not the case.
The ruling more or less explicitly states that Biden could go on national television, say “Won’t someone rid me of these troublesome justices?”, have them assassinated, and face no legal repercussions because using the bully pulpit is covered by presidential immunity
Shooting people isn’t a constitutionally enumerated right of the office of the president
She’d have to order one of her executive employees to do it