Cyclist got hit by a car
Cyclist got hit by a car
You need an apple developer account to publish apps on the app store
So who are you voting for? And why?
Some days ago I read an article here that said that a lot of the money came from Russia and that they are getting exactly what they wanted: chaos
I switched back to assistant, because Gemini still can’t do everything I am using the assistant for
I think you got your answer: nobody is left enough
I have asked. You only get VPN Free:
I have asked. You only get VPN Free:
The image is the bait
You also could have added to the discussion. But yet you decided not to
As the initial post did not mention JD Vance I did indeed a Google search for Anita Couch and got a lot of furniture as result.
I am here on lemmy because I do not use Reddit. Nor Twitter or Facebook.
The only mention of Anita couch here on lemmy is from you. So hardly tending
Who is Anita couch?
It seems I cannot install it because the app is too old for Android 14…
Yes, I wouldn’t know where to move to.
Yes, it seems there is no reason an election campaign has to be so long
$30‽ Wo even is ordering there? Why?
Trying to fuck the country again
Like AOC and Bernie Sanders? Who also said that they want Biden to stay?
A lot of seemingly smart people said that it would not make sense to do that.