Always be looking for a new job, you never know when a new boss arrives and makes it horrible.
Always be looking for a new job, you never know when a new boss arrives and makes it horrible.
Home (subscribed) and Local set to Hot
All set to Top Six Hours. When doomscrolling I on occasion set it to either Scaled or Active
Walks around town
Bike ride
Walk along the stream looking at the mallards
Trail running (as soon as I get started with it…)
Park/square bench, filled thermos and something to read
And someone will have to go on an Orphic journey to bring back his lost lover.
Sports and politics go hand-in-hand.
Firm supporter of local stores and businesses. It also does help that I have a few good places in walking distance and a healthy city centre. So if I want and weather permitting I can sit on their patio and wave to acquaintances.
If you can afford to save then I highly recommend you to save up for classes. Not just for the exercise aspect but (primary) as a safety measure.
Floating around on ones back is seriously underrated. You just drift around a bit, relax and disconnect for a bit.
For me it’s contentment. A satisfaction in where I am and who I am. Being able to see the beauty and appreciate the small things. No need for more. And no longer comparing myself at my worst to others at their best.
I cook large batches of stew every now and then, freeze in 2 or 3 portion packages. Then each sunday I prep some carbs, defrost and pasteurize stew and put it all together. Boom! Lunches ready to go into the work microwaves.
It can also tie into mandatary rests, that the vehicle has to be stationary. And that is good thing as it makes it harder for emplyers to exploit their drivers.
So there is another one who brew in a french press!
Water levels were lower during the glacial periods because of all the water in those frozen glaciers. The brittish islands were connected to mainland Europe for example. So there really isn’t that much of a suggestion that sea levels were lower, established science that.
The original commentator probably got dates (or zeroes) mixed up. More than ten thousand years ago definitely doesn’t put anything on the other side of the last glacial period (one hundred and twenty thousand tears ago).
An interesting side note is that due to the sea level rise many of the first human settlements of the Americas are now well under water and possibly lost forever. This makes dating the human arrival very difficult as we only have later very much inland settlements to go by.
The last Glacial Period (aka Ice Age) lasted between 115000 years ago to about 11700 years ago. Roughly. So constructed more than 10000 years ago still putsit after the glacial period but could very well have been built by the first groups in the thawed area. Who knows, perhaps they could see glaciers to their north?
And I bet really frikkin’ awesome vistas and waterfalls.
We essentially have three levels of recycling stations in Sweden.
There is the at home one. Some areas have their “private” trash bins being multicompartment so you can easily divide up glass, metals etc. If you don’t have one of these you just divide it up and take it to your local station. Apartment buildings tend to have a recycling area with various bins.
The local one tend to be able to handle larger items and bigger quantities. Here is often also for textiles. This is the classic recycling station.
And then we have the big ones where you can fill up a vehicle and trailers and get rid of it. It is not a dump as you still have to have things separated. Used furniture, electronics, garden waste etc are taken to these places.
Here? Almost. Arch-based at least. Do I btw use arch?
He is also well travelled and adapts to other cultures. So totally not a republican.
My only interactions with Windows are on company equipment and I eagerly await Win11. By the gods I need tabs in the file explorer. I know there are Win10 solutions but the system is locked down because it is company equipment. And I ain’t got time nor energy for chats with IT/HR.
I’ve always called him Pirogi, but now I understand what an insult to that awesome food it is. Pringles it will be from here on.
This is the silliness that is desired. Our heir apparent have yet to take up her father’s penchant for silly hats. One day I hope.