it’s generally harder to fax to a wrong number, have that actually hit a fax machine, and have it print than to accidentally email the wrong person or something. There are things that could be implemented into certain systems to only send to certain addresses, etc., but that information also exists in multiple places that can be accessed as well. For a fax, the message exists on the sender’s side (physical if any, machine memory possibly), receiver’s side (same), and briefly on the wire. This is opposed to hard drive, cloud, etc. where it is always vulnerable.
I don’t use Facebook but was searching to see if anyone had uploaded a photo I no longer had a copy of from high school. It’s only been 20-something years, but the number of obituaries I ran across was surprising. We’re all in our early 40s from a small school and the percentage who died seemed high. A couple in war, but medical issues, drugs, and most of all, car crashed.