I mean it’s early to tell, but so far it is reported that those were precise attacks towards military targets. So if that’s true, that would explain that attitude from ordinary Iranians.
I mean it’s early to tell, but so far it is reported that those were precise attacks towards military targets. So if that’s true, that would explain that attitude from ordinary Iranians.
We desperately need tax on wealth.
In short, oligarchs want to get richer and want more power (there’s never enough), you would think that poor conditions would wake people up, but as long as there less fortunate ones as us we are fine with it. It is easy to set us up against each other by telling that our misfortune is because of minorities and immigrants.
There’s a book called On Freedom by Timothy Snyder that talks about it. I think everyone should read it. Once you are aware of the mechanisms it is easy to see.
You would think that Republicans breaking social security would surely lose them votes, but it is really easy to manipulate their base and tell them that there’s not enough money in SSN because immigrants are getting free money and once again we are fighting with each other and once again oligarchs walk away with more wealth.
You would think that maybe he would do photo op volunteering to help the hungry, but working at McDonald’s is apparently more hot for politicians right now.
Twitter is for narcissists, and when they say Mastodon is not as good as twitter they really mean that there’s not as many people watching them as on Twitter. So Bluesky gaining 500,000 new accounts could help in making it “better”.
No, that’s not what he said. He got a lot of flak for supposedly saying he invented the Internet.
In reality he never claimed that, he said that when he was a congressman he took initiative in creating the Internet, meaning sponsoring bills that would fund it etc. not actually inventing it.
Robert Kahn and Vint Cerf actually acknowledged that Gore was first politician that saw Internet’s potential and helped it becoming a reality.
Couldn’t that power be used to take control over Bitcoin chain?
Will try to find mine.
Honestly though I think that judges should be appointed by governor, maybe approved by legislature and during election we should have option to repeal them if they do something outrageous.
Yes ballotpedia is good, but I still wish it had more information about local (city, county) governments as well as judges. These ones are the hardest and most time consuming to research.
I also used https://www.ballotready.org/ it helps with some candidates, but looks like ballotpedia most of the time still has more info.
Imagine what they could do if his coke-and-ketamine fueled dipshitery decided to take up a different hobby.
Didn’t he just do that with Xitter?
Seems like he is quite isolated in SpaceX and COO is running everything.
Sad thing is that he can openly say this, because none of the trump voters will even see this. Their disinformation channels will just say that Democrats are blocking it.
If those people actually tracked any news they wouldn’t be as easy to manipulate.
I disabled updates (though it looks like some Google apps update anyway) and majority continues to work. Few apps occasionally start a protest and tell me that I need to update before they resume their work.
It doesn’t answer your question, but indeed points that mostly there is nothing important.
That sounds plausible. Neither in those 3 times there was anything visible on the camera and what are the odds suddenly those flies attacking him on every rally now?
He knows trump is petty, so if he would say that on Monday he would no longer be a speaker.
Same with Vance being a VP.
It’s mind blowing how much control that one person has over the entire party.
Feels like they would write “slammed”, but because he is gay it is “claps”
This is why is so dangerous calling him dumb. It brings that benefit of the doubt, that “he didn’t know that this is not allowed”, that “he is just dumb and did not know better”, “he can’t control himself” etc etc.
He then exploits every single opportunity given and avoids any punishment (he still did not get any!)
The thing with “pager terrorism” is that it was genius in targeting just the terrorists. The supply chain of the terrorist organization was hijacked, and even then no one normal uses pagers today.
Thy don’t share border so one can’t invade each other, they can only fly missiles and rockets between each other.
Check 270towin.com, popularity wise he has no chance. Unfortunately we have electoral college and with that he has 50/50 chance currently.
That’s scarily too close.
Edit: this is why it is important to make sure you vote. Historically electoral college typically matches popular vote.
The manipulation is possible when the turnout is low. The gerrymandering also works the best with a low turnout, and if turnout is unexpectedly high it can backfire and turn otherwise red counties into blue. This is why it is important to vote, even in the states you think your vote doesn’t matter.
What’s ironic is that the non voting population is so high, that if they all turned in and voted they would override everyone else who normally does.
I still don’t get how we ignored our own constitution and allowed insurectionist to have a second chance.
WTF America?