I’m not saying it’s likely.
I AM saying that you can get a Canadian bank account that holds your money in US dollars.
I’m not saying it’s likely.
I AM saying that you can get a Canadian bank account that holds your money in US dollars.
I see what you’re saying, but I think we disagree on a basic premise.
What’s the purpose of society?
Of course, you’d rather have food or shelter. And why would you not have food and shelter? Oh, because society deems that if you don’t work, you don’t live.
And don’t knock masturbating. It’s a lot of fun. So is programming with no real goal. Sometimes you enjoy the journey, not the destination.
Is it politics, or is it diagnosing someone with a mental condition? I can’t keep track anymore.
Advice isn’t the force of law. Don’t be silly. There’s plenty of reasons to hate communism that don’t require you to be silly.
Only if you’re lucky. I loved programming. Used to do it all the time. Got a job doing it, and it’s just exhausting now. So much gets caught up in the process: money to survive, meeting other people’s deadlines and goals, etc. It kills the enjoyment.
Yeah, but how effective is it really?
willing to pay for this
Capitalism. You shouldn’t strive to profit off doing things you enjoy. The profit motive IS the problem.
Dedup is about saving storage and has literally nothing to do with primary keys.
Anecdotes are not data
This guy doesn’t know I’m ignoring him, and it makes me giggle
Please also call me when the sexbots are here. I’d like to preorder if possible.
Yeah, I copy pasted from the Internet. Anyone who actually cares can look it up. I just thought it was fun for effect.
I don’t know
Nestle owns…
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María Valvert Viladrau Κορπή Cereal Fitness Nesquik Cereal Lion Chocapic Bar-One Box Bowls Cerevita Chokella Cini Minis Clusters Country Corn Flakes Curiously Cinnamon Estrelitas GoFree Cereal Golden Morn Golden Nuggets Honey Gold Flakes Honey Stars Koko Krunch La Lechera Flakes Lifita Mix NAT Nesfit NesPlus Nestlé Musli Neston Oats & More Snow Flakes Uncle Tobys Zucosos Chocolate, Cookies, and Confections Kit Kat Toll House Smarties Quality Street Aero Rowntree’s Garoto Orion Cailler After Eight Damak Allen’s Lollies Alpino Amor Animalines y Saladitas Anticol Baci Balaton Bananita Dolca Baolu Baton Besos de Moza Big Turk Boci Bolero Bombones Surtidos Bon Pari Bono Bros Buon Natale Caja Roja Calipso Caramac Carlos V Chambinho Charge Choclait Chips Choco Crossies Chokito Coco Classic Cocosette Coffee Crisp Cremositas Crispy Shark Wafers Cui Cui Deli Dois Frades Dolca Doré Ecuateur Extrafin Familiar Negro Fox’s Freskas Fruitips Fun Fruit Galak Hašlerky Hsu Fu Chi Joe Jojo Комильфо Kaštany Kofila Lanvin Larín La Fête Chocolat Lentejas Lentilky Les Recettes de l’Atelier Lion LZ Mabel’s Wafers Mackintosh’s Margo McKay Menier Milkybar Mini’s Mirage Modré z Neba Morochas Munch Munchies Mypa Negresco Nescau Nesfit Nestlé 1927 Özel Serisi Nestlé Amor Nestlé Mio Nestlé Muecas Nestlé Sal Nestlé Snack Nestlé Turrón Nestlé Vainilla Nestlé Zoologia Nestlé Nuts Passatempo Passions Peppermint Crisp Perugina Ping Pong Plaistowe Polo Prestígio Princessa Россия щедрая душа Ricas Sahne Nuss Samba São Luiz Savoy Sfinx Soothers Sorrento Studentska Sublime Suflair Sundy Super 8 Susy Svitoch Talento Tango Tex Toffee Crisp Toffo Tola Toronto Trencito Triangulo Turtles Yes! Yorkie Coffee Nespresso Nescafé Nescafé Dolce Gusto Coffee-Mate Starbucks Coffee at Home Seattle’s Best Aguila Bonjorno Blue Bottle Coffee Bonka Bracafé Brite Buondi Café Musun Cremora El Chana Linde’s Orzoro Presto Sical Zoégas Culinary, Chilled, and Frozen Food Stouffer’s Hot Pockets DiGiorno Buitoni Tombstone Pizza Lean Cuisine Sweet Earth Maggi Libby’s Pumpkin Chambinho Chamyto Chandelle California Pizza Kitchen Creme de Leite Crosse & Blackwell Delissio Pizza Del Monte Frozen Bars Farinha Láctea Gourmet Grego Hälsans Kök Haoji Herta Hirz Jack’s Pizza Leisi Life Cuisine Lindahls Litoral Longa Vida Mahler Mezeast Milk Pak Mivina Nestlé Baker’s Choice Original Wagner Pizza Outsider’s Pizza Company Pak Fook Pasta Italiana Raita Solis Thomy Torchin Tostines Totole Wildscape Food Winiary Dairy Carnation Nido KLIM Svelty Amanecer Anchor Canprolac Cap Nona CereAvena Crema de Leche Dairy Farm Dancow EasyWhip El Mundo del Dulce Esencial Every Day Gloria Green Butterfly Ideal Impulso La Campesina La Laitière La Lechera La Vaquita Lactalis Leche Condensada Manjar Media Crema Table Cream Milkmaid Moca Molico Nespray Nestlé a+ Nestle Omega Nestonutri NesVita Nutri Rindes Quesos Nestlé Rica Chicha Sunshine Sveltesse Qué Rico Yogu Yogu Drinks Nesquik Nestea Ovaltine Milo Abuelita Bolero Brasa Caro Chococino Chocofans Choladi Chuckie Copacabana Ecco Eko Fruita Vitals Gingerino Good Host Granko Huesitos Le Chocolat Morelia Presidencial Natura Nescau Nesfruta Nespray Nestlé Hot Cocoa Nestomalt Orchard Pensal Ricacao Ricoré Salep Savoy Schokolade Sıcak Çikolata SPECIAL.T Sweet Leaf Tea Company Tonimalt Vascolet Food Service Chef Chef-Mate Bear Brand Docello Fruit Time Grown Respectfully Minor’s Milky Time Nature’s Heart nesQuino Procafé Puljonki Sjora Starbucks by Nescafé Dolce Gusto Sunkist Beverages Sunsational Trio Vitality Health Care and Nutrition Boost Optifast Peptamen Novasource Arginaid Benecalorie Beneprotein Betaquik BrainXpert Carnation Breakfast Essentials Celltrient Clinutren Compat Compleat Diabetisource Douglas Laboratories FDgard Fiber Choice FiberMais Fibersource FruitiVits Garden of Life Glutasolve Glytrol IBgard Impact Infasource Isosource Klean K.Quik Meritene Microlipid Minami Mixxpro Modulen ModuLife Nature’s Bounty Nestlé Wellness Nutren Nutrição Até Você NutriStrong Nuun Optisource OptiFibre OsteoBi-Flex Persona PronoKal Pure Encapsulations Puritan’s Pride Quick Eze REMfresh Renalcal Renutryl Replete Resource Solgar Spoonfulone Sondalis Sustagen ThickenUp Tolerex Vitaflo Vital Proteins Vivonex Wobecare CBD Wobe-Mugos Wobenzym Ice Cream Dreyer’s Häagen-Dazs Mövenpick Nestlé Ice Cream 8Cubes Aiskrim Tradisi Antica Gelateria Del Corso Baton Bilz Pap Centella Chamonix Chocolito Chomp Cola de Dino Cola de Tigre Crazy Crocante D’anafria Danky Dis Frutt Drumstick Egocentrico Eskimo Especialidades Napolitano Extreme GOODNORTH Kriko La Cremeria La Frutta LollyPop Mat Kool Maxibon Mega Parlour Prestigio Pura Fruta Real Dairy Sensação Serenata de Amor Scoops Sin Parar Stalden Sundae Swirlz Trululu Zoorpresa Pet Care Purina Purina One Purina Pro Plan Alpo Cat Chow Dog Chow Fancy Feast Tidy Cats Friskies Beggin’ Frosty Paws Adventuros Bakers Complete Bella Beneful Beyond Bonzo Busy Chef Michael’s Canine Creations Darling Dentalife Dogui Doguitos Doko Felix FortiFlora Gati Gatsy Gourmet Honest to Dog Kit & Kaboodle Kitten Chow K-Nina Lily’s Kitchen Luv Merrick Pet Care Moist & Meaty Mon Petit Perrarina Prime Scamp SecondNature Supercoat Terra Canis The Pioneer Woman Dog Treats Tom Poes Trekker’s Whisker Lickin’s
We need people to stop buying shit if they’ve seen an ad for it.
Just like South Africa already does
It’s the new game. Companies stopped replying. There’s no confirmation they even got your resume. They ghost you after interviews.
It’s not your fault that loads of other companies treat applicants like shit. But they do, so applicants stop caring.
But also, if people aren’t engaged, your salary is too low.
Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym. Gym is for strength.
Source: I’m related to a competitive body builder.
Price wise, you probably can’t beat an off-site server running in someone else’s basement.