Surban mom.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Yes. For example there are many companies in India serving clients in the US. So you would need to know how you differentiate yourself from them. We work with a company who does graphic design, and their big value prop is their ability to snap to US business practices. So, they are more expensive that some, but they create an easy way to work with them. They also work 12 hours difference, which is handy. In contrast, I have worked with people in Columbia, who are roughly in the same time zone. Their big value is price.

  • In this moment impeachment is a waste of time. They would be better served (1) governing super well in places they are in charge (to demonstrate they are the better option - something that is inconsistent today); (2) figuring out why people are voting for Trump; (3) developing strong messaging and strategy to win races top to bottom of the ballot. I’ve been unimpressed with their ability to both run and govern recently (with some exceptions here and there). Maybe it is catching up with them.