Please stop being an obnoxious ass. English is the de-facto lingua franca of the world, acting like German is in any way comparable is just disingenuous.
Please stop being an obnoxious ass. English is the de-facto lingua franca of the world, acting like German is in any way comparable is just disingenuous.
Because more people speak it?
That’s kind of the point. A constant barrage of stupid and dangerous shit to keep you enraged until you burn put. You cannot stay enraged for four years and nobody will care to do anything if it’s a constant stream of small and big steps to fascism. They’re not removing all liberties at once, but in a lot of steps so that it becomes impossible to agree on which step becomes the straw to break the camel’s back.
I really like that. It’s nice to just finish a story, instead of milking it forever.
No, they did not. All I saw was a statement that people making a living on sites like TikTok or YouTube are also part of the entertainment industry. Which is just a fact. Whether you like short form content on these sites or not doesn’t change that fact.
Nobody is saying that. But I will take a great meme over a shitty movie any day.
s xneeds to die
Are there any TVs with DP?
They also ignore all the freedom of the lower classes which was won through violence against the upper class.
Yeah. Considering the obscene resources needed for ChatGPT and the others, I don’t think the niche use cases where they shine makes it worth it.
Absolutely. That’s what I was talking about. We keep on monitoring covid like the flu-variants, but we don’t change our lives for covid any more than we do for the common flu.
I don’t know about the US, but here in Germany covid is just part of life now, like the flu. My neighbor is an intensive care nurse and she says there are no covid patients anymore or if there are, they’re on the same level as influenca.
But Elon said CEOs are the most important people because they create the value.
I am sure Microsoft will take this to heart and stop the bloat shit and not kill off Windows 10 for good.
Yes, but there’s also people actually not doing anything. I am dev lead and after building a team, which was a lot of work, I am at a point where I am doing fuck all on most days. Maybe join a few meetings, make some decisions and work on my own stuff otherwise.
Russian Circles for the former, Frodus for the latter.
Paying billionaires to watch millionaires play games.
Line must always go up.
Please stop these idiotic arguments. I don’t think you’re actually so dumb, that you don’t understand what my point was. So you’re being willfully obtuse just to annoy other people. Also, Chinese isn’t a thing. You probably mean Mandarin Chinese, which does have the highest number of native speakers. But English is still the common language (or lingua franca) across the world, even though it is number 3 in terms of native speakers.