They’re not my enemy, but they are idiots who deserve to be shamed for their terrible decision
They’re not my enemy, but they are idiots who deserve to be shamed for their terrible decision
Hey but at least all those enlightened dipshits didn’t vote for Kamala! Who could have guessed that Trump’s Palestine policy would be even worse?? Oh yeah, everyone else. Thanks a lot dipshits
How come these terrorist fuckwads surround themselves with women and children when they’re being hunted by the IDF? Easy solution to not being killed, don’t be a terrorist, and don’t hang out with terrorists. Boom easy
Aren’t Austrians just Germans pretty much? We all know how much they like their daddy-authoritarians
Good thing they don’t vote!
Great job IDF, kicking terrorist ass! Next up, Iran’s leadership. DO IT!!!
Problem this time is, it isn’t quite as clear cut geographically. Even in red states like Georgia, you have MILLIONS of Democrats.
They could easily get samples from family members to confirm. I’m sure one or both of his parents were in discussions with the FBI shortly after this all went down
There are, just not available publicly. Tons of enterprises (law firms included) are paying to have models trained on their data
Fascists gonna do their thing. Steal steal steal
I call this a “heart hedge”
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
We’re setting up for an extremely dark period in American history. Buckle up fuckleheads
What are you referring to?
I always thought it was pronounced “Boot - e - jij”
If Biden gets replaced, please be Pete
I actually stopped taking it a couple years ago! But it certainly stopped being as useful as it once was so I think I’m better off. Thank you for your concern kind stranger!
I am also talking about the most common street name for amphetamines, speed. Just google “speed drug” and tell me what pops up. It’s not meth….
lol that’s great man. I was referring to amphetamines, not methamphetamine. Again, similar, not the same thing. I’m sorry we have different street names for our drugs lmao
I always have called amphetamines (adderall, dex, Ritalin, etc) speed. Meth is crank. Just google “speed drug” the first thing that pops up is amphetamines
They are very similar though
Found one of the dipshits!