We are past the soap and ballot box stages.
We are past the soap and ballot box stages.
I’m always thinking of them.
BuT tHe StOcK mArKeT iS uP!
The guy is from South Dakota. You know, the state known for being one of the Dakotas.
I’m going to go with the Big Lie 2 here. Trump lost the popular vote just like he did with Hilary and Biden.
I think you’re close to the root of it. The need for a biological legacy is strong no matter any affiliations. Having “non-conforming” children threatens that legacy.
For the groups that inflate this drive, that’s all there is. That’s the only purpose. No “we as a species”.
For the rest of us it might be a little disappointing at the prospect of no grandchildren. But we know that it’s ultimately not our decision. And the same outcome could happen regardless of any “conformity”.
How dare you hide your information from them! The nerve!
Warn trump to not overread? He doesn’t even under read.
I know representation is important. But why do the Karen’s get a disproportionate amount?
I’m sure people with opinions become more clumsy under dictators. Mitch will probably fall out a window.
Kevorkian, besides being dead, acted out of a sense of morality. Nothing could be further than Trump’s intention.
“Your data collection into Gmail only! No into chic fila app!”
I can no longer find the head of the human centipede that is maga.
He’s not even white.
I wonder if they’ve reached out to Dave Coulier in his fragile state.
He can’t take it on the chin.
You mean like Mormons?
You didn’t include any of the dictator on day one promises.
Mine want a two way conversation. And I have stuff to do.
BuT iT wAs HiS tUrN!