It’s just a fucking plant
It’s just a fucking plant
$800 for $30 of ram
Oh good, brain worm is vouching for another worm
You can use email aliases or even go as far as a phone alias as well.
Been using Mozilla relay for a while and the phone number option is nice to mask your real number for some things.
It does report as a VOIP number so some services can’t use it.
No certs just learning on the job + every IT/development class I could take in highschool
Happy day to you too!
I write left handed
Well aren’t you a joy to talk to
Because I deleted my comment before any saw it?
Little Caesars or Cicis
Every word is a lie
Lie lie lie sleepy don
Proxmox install on the zfs mirror boot plus some other pools, everything else is currently truenas single boot drive with pools
I do have other proxmox stuff running zfs*
I do have 1 system with ZFS mirror boot drives
ZFS, got 5 system with different zpools
Tell me about it, my rate over tripled.
Edit: and yes I did try and fight it
They are awful lying cunts
I want a stranger to grab my ass sometime
I hate our entire government up and down