I’m sure an AI babysitter won’t be immediately and utterly broken and bypassed by every single kid in these “classes”.
(Seriously: we’re talking about 8-12 year olds here and the absolutely are smart enough and incentivized to break the ever-loving crap out of this stupid idea.)
One thing you probably need to figure out first: how are the dgpu and igpu connected to each other, and then which ports are connected to which gpu.
Everyone does funky shit with this, and you’ll sometimes have dgpus that require the igpu to do anything, or cases where the internal panel is only hooked up to the igpu (or only the dgpu), and the hdmi and display port and so on can be any damn thing.
So uh, before you get too deep in planning what gets which gpu, you probably need to see if the outputs you need support what you want to do.