Something straight out of 1984. When I read the novel in high school I was naive enough to believe it would never be reflected irl to quite this degree.
Something straight out of 1984. When I read the novel in high school I was naive enough to believe it would never be reflected irl to quite this degree.
If Qualcomm released a FOSS RISC-V IP core that would’ve required spending multiple millions on hardware engineer salaries (no chance in hell), I would:
takes this opportunity to develop a high performance RISC V core
They might. This would never be open sourced though. Best case scenario is the boost they would provide to the ISA as a whole by having a company as big as Qualcomm backing it.
Idk about wisdom but I can attest to a speedy loss in faith of the human population.
Great. Now I’ll have to buy this to justify overspending on 96gb of ddr5.
Wireless engineering concepts are simultaneously interesting while also making me want to take my own life.
It’s quite the dichotomy.
All the different ways we’ve managed to chop up EM waves to implement the incredible wireless technologies we use daily is fascinating. But the math… Dear lord…
Set my family up with Bitwarden. Had them think up good passwords, told them not to tell me, etc. etc. they went and promptly forgot it.
One of these days I’m going to set them up again but this time I’m going to have to save their master passwords on my account.
Could also be your sd card btw.
Yep, I go for it for almost every project I do, also because of the price. The amount of features you get for like 5 or 6 dollars is crazy.
I’m honestly surprised this feature is still around. Don’t get me wrong, I love that it’s available when I get the chance to use it, but it’s so rarely, I question whether the development effort necessary to keep it going is really worth it.
Edit: completely forgot the value Dex has for Samsung tablets. Happy that they make this feature available on phones too.
Well tbf it’s just a microcontroller, it doesn’t run Linux
This is because they don’t retain your (encrypted) messages on their servers right? Is this for storage reasons, or more just security philosophy of not being able to access past chats when you login from elsewhere?
This is genuinely really cool.
The best/worst part of the AI boom for me has been waiting for the advances to trickle down in terms of open source models and on-device models, rather than having to send everything up to the cloud.
Obviously this isn’t an open source model, but the on-device processing is great.
The 3D map covers a volume of about one cubic millimetre, one-millionth of a whole brain, and contains roughly 57,000 cells and 150 million synapses — the connections between neurons. It incorporates a colossal 1.4 petabytes of data.
Assuming this means the total data of the map is 1.4 petabytes. Crazy to think that mapping of the entire brain will probably happen within the next century.
The foam thing that rests on your face is personalised. Some reviews mentioned having to do scans of your face with an iPhone before purchasing.
Nope, running locally on the Pi.
That’s not the point of this I think lol. It’s very impressive as a tech demo, that even a device even as underpowered as a Pi can run these AI models to a passable degree.
“Good Squad” is peak headline. They do look like a bunch of gooners.