In Putty go to Connections->X11->Enable X11 Forwarding and then put “localhost:0” as the xdisplay location. I haven’t done it in a while but I think that’s all you need.
there’s also a big difference between drinking minutes old raw milk directly straight out of the teet, vs commercial operations where the milk is a few hours to days old and is bottled with equipment that isn’t perfectly cleaned between each bottle and then consumers sticking it in a fridge for a week. The former is just something farmers are going to do if they want and isn’t really a serious public health concern imo (although still not without risk) and can’t really be regulated away anyway. the latter exposes way more people and is way more dangerous, and that IS able to be regulated out of existence.
Sounds horrible, Y’all need to sit down and play luigi’s mansion to help make yourself feel better
I went in on an office lottery thing, we won 20k, ended up being about 500 ea. In takehome But still nice, it was mostly about the thrill of winning more than the winnings themselves, it was my first time buying in. I also won a 400 dollar smart watch at a work raffle.
Not to diminish your achievement at all but that is not going cold turkey.
1 more thing he has to do
Climate town: investigative journalism on various climate related stuff. He’s funny enough to offset the rage it’ll bring you.
Errant signal: art, indie and retro video game essays
If its just a money printer then you are basically just a federal reserve/ central bank. I would make myself rich and then buy up a bunch of property to convert into coops and a bunch of wild land to turn to reserves, also some big donations to hospitals. Anything more and I wouldn’t trust my ability to predict the economic effects.
Black out curtains and 45min of an audiobook while I snuggle the wife.
Here’s some uses:
The average person doesn’t own a computer anymore, but I think steam users are pretty representative of people who want to use the OS that markets itself as “The next generation of Linux gaming”
61% of steam users have 1tb or more total hard drive space.
Yeah I understand why in this specific case, the obvious corruption. But the framework of laws allowed this abuse, and I want to know why this is even possible, why is unconditional discharge a sentence that is allowed to be handed out, because to me, I can’t see a not corrupt way it could be applied, and it doesn’t seem like a new thing, just a rare thing.
From my own research I found this: https://www.msnbc.com/deadline-white-house/deadline-legal-blog/unconditional-discharge-trump-sentencing-hush-money-rcna187044
Which isn’t a totally satisfactory answer, but is at least some examples of it being used elsewhere.
Could someone explain a non corrupt use of an unconditional discharge? I’m confused how such a sentence is even permissable under the system at all
For a while, while I was on reddit I had a new account send me “my home address” every couple weeks, I think it was the same person using multiple accounts. They always got the address wildly wrong though. Which is weird because it would have been very easy to figure out what city I’m from at least.
I think the only thing that will really push adoption is if more systems ship with Linux preinstalled and those laptops are advertised primarily with linux. People aren’t going to go buy a usb drive, figure out how to download an image and how to download and install a flasher and how to use that flashing tool, not when google and apple actively hamstring computer literacy in schools. They probably won’t even click the “budget penguin thing” unless they already know what it is and have been sold the story of linux on that specific laptop.
In a video someone discussed the average us household income. Someone commented that that number was actually inflated and it would be better to use median. I found the article the OP was referencing and pointed out that it was in fact the median and pointed out a median is a type of average. They argued for far far too long that average exclusively refers to mean, that median “isn’t even an expected value” and that they were right and I was wrong because they are an engineer who works with this all day long. I ended up getting ganged up by several different accounts, I eventually screenshotted the Wikipedia page for average and got them to all delete their posts.
A lot of my picks are already mentioned so I’ll pick an odd one:
Air crash investigator (called Mayday in NA). It’s dramatizations of the reports from air crashes, organized like a murder mystery. Surprisingly compelling.
I’ve never been nervous about flying but this show really underlined how safe flying is, it’s actually kinda crazy how thorough the reports are and how often they lead to rule changes. I wish the same institutional dedication to safety was practised in other industries (especially cars).
Episodes that take place in the 80s have you face palming at how stupid the mistakes are, more modern episodes are almost always a combination of many many different small low chance events and minor mistakes from the pilot piling up. I usually skip the terrorist episodes though.