robinn_IV [he/him]

Adam Smith gulped, David Ricardo started to sweat, Milton Friedman’s bottom lip quivered, and Karl Marx sat attentively…

“Yes Robinn,” they all said in unison.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2023


  • Ew those Ukraine and Taiwan flags. “Hmm, I support US imperialism so long as the proxy force can be construed as the ‘underdogs’ fighting the big bad.” You do realize there’s no such thing as “Taiwanese sovereignty,” right (forgetting that the majority of inhabitants of Taiwan do not want separatism)? There is no “Taiwan and PRC,” but Taiwan as a vestige of ROC claims, which include both all of mainland China as well as Outer Mongolia and parts of Russia (take for example the emblem of the Republic of China Marine Corps). You’ve fallen for nonsense claims pushed by the US to fight the PRC for influence.

    As for Ukraine, it’s the same deal. Exploitation of “Ukrainian independence” and support for Neo-Nazis thereof goes back to the years of the USSR with the CIA’s Operation Aerodynamic dishing support to the Nazi-collaborationist OUN. The whole reason for the recent conflict is the US-backed 2014 coup, of which the rise of Nazism was documented by the Western mainstream such as the BBC before the narrative shifted to prepare for proxy war. Ukraine is littered with Nazi monuments, its institutions and leaders paying homage to Nazi collaborators [1] [2] [3], and the government putting full support behind Nazi fighters [1] [2]. It’s hard to paint Ukraine as the victim when Ukraine’s previous president, Poroshenko, said this of his policy on Donbass: “We will have jobs—they [Russian-speakers] will not. We will have pensions—they will not… Our children will go to schools and kindergartens—theirs will hide in the brments (cellars).”

  • Your “democracy” is not “flawed,” it’s a sham to the core. I’m sure the Afghan children that got drone striked under both Obama and Trump see a meaningful difference between the American political parties anyways; your “democracy” is crap and it would be better for the entire world if the US was carpet bombed.

    And the fear-mongering surrounding Jan. 6th is so fundamentally stupid, seriously give me a conceivable way this tiny group of chud idiots who couldn’t even hang Mike Pence for the good of humanity could have fundamentally undone American society.

    There are degrees of bad and Trump is worse, of course. “Someone who has fueled a genocide for 6 months with all-you-can-drop bombs” is obviously the lesser evil to the man who sent a bunch of brainless zombies trying to climb a wall with a set of stairs feet away to overthrow the US government.