Ah, the greatest nation in the world
Ah, the greatest nation in the world
Porn for people who like poop
Unfortunately they’re also much more expensive than the other options unfortunately. That feature does sound exact i need.
however, I have a three storey house and so use Alexa’s drop in and announcement features as intercoms as the kids would never hear me from the kitchen on the ground floor when they’re in their top floor bedrooms. Being able to put Alexa’s wherever I want for very little outlay was a big plus.
The problem I have is that I have my Apple Music family account hooked up to my Alexa’s and Sonos so the kids can listen to whatever they want and I can play music through the Sonos using Alexa when I’m cooking and can’t use my hands.
Unfortunately this means that my favourites mix and any recommendations are tainted with the godawful noise my kids call music 😂
There really needs to be a way to link an Alexa or other device to a specific Apple Music family member.
We don’t get that in the UK so it’s never really been an option for us unfortunately
It’s the clbuttic problem, also known as the Scunthorpe problem.
See also: particitrousers
WhipperSnapper, you are fined one credit for a violation of the verbal morality code!
I quite enjoy Quinn’s videos on Snazzy Labs.
I actually did quit using them. But it wasn’t a case of switching from cigs to vapes and then just quitting a few weeks later.
I smoked for over 30 years and then moved over to vaping. I then vaped for about 7 years before finally managing to quit. That was 557 days ago now.
I will say coming off the vapes did seem easier than coming off cigarettes which I’d never managed to do previously,
Whether the vapes actually helped me quit I can’t say for sure but when I was on them I didn’t stink of smoke and I’m sure they are probably more healthy than actual cigarettes and they’re much cheaper so I look at the time vaping as a positive comparatively speaking.
Somebody get Adam Savage, Jamie Hyneman and a very sensitive set of scales…
Yep. Not perfect but much much better than it was.
Ah I coveted the Neo Geo. I would gaze longingly at screenshots in CVG magazine and dream of having one.
Now I have a multicart for my Jamma cab and I can play pretty much any Neo Geo game I want. Turns out, apart from Viewpoint, metal slug and a few others I tend to prefer other systems.
It’s never too late to make a change. Be the you that you want to be but don’t judge your worth against other people’s achievements.
Set a goal for yourself. Learn Japanese, release an app, cure cancer, whatever you want and aim for it on your terms. But be realistic and if needs be set a small goal first and work your way up.
Edit. Typo
Pretty sure the lenses cost extra. I heard somewhere in the region of $800 I think but I could be misremembering
Magnetic swappable lenses I believe.
One of the very first lines of code I ever wrote was:
10 FOR a = 1 TO 70
In Spectrum Basic. I do tend to use I these days, I’ve calmed down since my childhood days 😀
At least I suppose they’re not memes that start “someBODY…”
That would be subs not posts
Take off and nuke that fucker from orbit.
If Kylie Minogue is in my bed it’s definitely a dream.