And the expense reports are a must
And the expense reports are a must
I think the italics were pretty clear labeling
Ah I have to use Windows for work and that’s the source of most of my compression needs. Thanks for the info though, I’ll look into this
In that case, which file type would you recommend?
Bragging about paying a porn star for sex while your wife is at home nursing your newborn is a helluva power move. I wonder why more people don’t do it?
I love that feeling
I feel you. I spent 48 hours this week streaming shows, waiting for a possible call to some in. I’m sure that’s some people’s dream job, but it drives me nuts that I have to be on site for no reason. I like the feeling I get from actually working and the sense of accomplishment it gives you
Definitely do a Hulu trial then. They should have the MLB channel you’re talking about
I just checked and they have MLB Network. Is that the one you mean?
Edit: just want to say I’m assuming you’re subscribed to the live YouTubeTV. Because I’m using the Hulu live and the price is way different from the non-live version
I subscribe to Hulu for watching live sports. It comes with ESPN+ so there’s a ton of the content that I’m interested in. It might help to clarify “better” with what kind of content you’re looking for.
I work nights with 2 other guys. One of them is cool and seems to be a bit introverted, but we’re both into sports so we’ll watch games the first few hours and chat intermittently. The other guy openly hates sports, but loves “shooting the shit”, which he understands to mean him going on a fringe political rant or into way too much detail over some random shit he saw on YouTube… Luckily work gave us headsets with ANC, so me and the cool guy just headset up once the games are over and live in silence on the slow nights
AI is going to start writing entire fake research papers and books written by fake authors, just so it can be cited as a source for a high school kid using it to cheat on a 500 word essay.
I think they meant detergent specifically for colored clothes. I’m sure they used some kind of detergent.
If only they had reliable utilities. Samsung’s fab in Austin got shut down for a few weeks from ice-mageddon. Messed them up enough that they threatened to leave if Texas didn’t give them something to make up for it.
Ohh I misunderstood your other post.
I agree with your main point. I don’t think international manufacturers would find value in spinning up new fabs here just to make chips for the DoD. But it does make me curious how big of a chunk defense is vs total. I would guess it’s pretty small. Chips are in everything, it’s not like these aerospace guys where DoD is their cash cow.
Neither TSMC nor Samsung ever produced chips in North America in the first place
I’m not sure what you mean by ever? Samsung’s been making chips in Austin for almost 30 years.
Are we allowed to downvote stupid questions in this community, or is it like the unpopularopinion one?
How can you tell?
I’m lucky enough to have a WinCo nearby, but I’m not sure how widespread they are