I have seen a lot of people blame “the voters” or people who didn’t vote or whatever, and that is often to a degree which implicitly absolves the DNC for their role in alternating them. Can’t really have it both ways.
I have seen a lot of people blame “the voters” or people who didn’t vote or whatever, and that is often to a degree which implicitly absolves the DNC for their role in alternating them. Can’t really have it both ways.
the black community use the N word
Why are you censoring that? I thought it was for cowards and assholes?
Two of my children have trans boyfriends
Cool, ask them how they feel about this
Just for an external point of view, to me it read as shocked rather than hostile
95, lol, the percentages are there on the screen
deleted by creator
There’s an alternate history out there where Pearl Harbor didn’t happen and the US either never took part in WW2 or else entered far too late to make a difference and the Axis powers ultimately won.
Seems unlikely since either way the Soviets did the bulk of the work of defeating the Nazis.
No, I don’t think that’s sustainable, nor is it sustainable to act as if it were true. Given the lack of resources we have compared to Google or Meta et al., the only way to make it work is to stick with something for the long run, and bake in protections in both the technology and the organisational structure. Being opensource and federated goes a long way there, there’s no real reason why something not for profit would have to enshittify. But people won’t put in the effort to keep building it if they think that’s inevitable.
It’s not “again” for anything you’ve written in this comment thread.
And you specifically suggested that these numbers can’t be extrapolated, i.e. that they are not a trend. If it’s indeed a trend for Lemmy to have 200% yoy growth then yeah, I’d think that’d be pretty successful.
Successful or not, it isn’t back to baseline
Lemmy was at 15k MAU, went up to over 125k and now is 1/3 of that.
So it increased by 200%
If you use arch (btw) it still does
Cars’ buttons need to be used while preferably not looking at them, that’s a pretty different situation to a smartphone
How many men were killed by women in the same time period?
Sales tax, has different acronyms in different countries such as Value Added Tax (VAT), Goods and Services Tax (GST)…
Yes, I’m talking about the state owned companies versus both private companies and individual landlords, rents with the state owned ones are like 20% or more lower than the others and they are usually more responsive to fixing problems, don’t play too many games
But I totally agree rents are way out of control the last few years
Yes, that’s ideal. In Germany (where there is a culture much more oriented towards renting than owning) there are a lot of state run landlords and they are great to rent from, reasonable rents, reasonable to deal with (in the local context), etc. And of course they have good laws to protect tenants to back it up. Not necessarily a perfect system but definitely one the rest of the world can learn from. Unfortunately things are still heading in the wrong direction there too right now.
This reminds me of the (probably apocryphal) Mozart quote where a student asked him to teach them how to write a symphony, and was told “start with something more simple and short, for one instrument”. The student complained “but you have been writing symphonies since you were a child!”. The reply: “yes, but I didn’t have to ask how”.
The application of this idea here is that for someone to know the requirements for their system to the degree that they can really be sure that the most typical suggestions are not sufficient for them, they probably have to understand how the kernel handles swap and RAM to an extent that they don’t really need to ask this question.
People are very ready to assume that their system is way out of the ordinary, but it probably isn’t.
Mastodon doesn’t have low character limits, it’s not terrible for having a conversation
You can definitely get a week worth of groceries for that in the UK or Europe. Nothing fancy, only ingredients, but good nutritional food and enough of it.