Some middle-aged guy on the Internet. Seen a lot of it, occasionally regurgitating it, trying to be amusing and informative.

Lurked Digg until v4. Commented on Reddit (same username) until it went full Musk.

Was on (dying/dead) and (mysteriously vanished). Now here on

Really hoping he hasn’t brought the jinx with him.

Other Adjectives: Neurodivergent; Nerd; Broken; British; Ally; Leftish

  • 0 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2024


  • Interesting. A quick search around finds someone confusing a bot into selling them a Chevy Tahoe for $1 at the end of last year.

    Can’t tell whether that one went to court. I can see an argument that a reasonable person ought to think that something was wrong with the bot or the deal, especially since they deliberately confused the bot, making a strong case in favour of the dealership.

    Now, if they’d haggled it down to half price without being quite so obvious, that might have made an interesting court case.

  • NTFS file reading and writing is reasonably well supported under Linux, though exFAT or native filesystems are preferable. Actually finding software that will understand your files is one level removed, and getting equivalent or even the same software running is another level still. e.g. reading MS Office documents - LibreOffice is pretty good at that. For games, Steam and Proton have a lot of that covered.

    If all you do is on websites, most if not all of the usual web browsers are available and work indistinguishably.

    That said, I will leave you with these three words: Backups. Backups. Backups.

  • This has already been tried in at least one court.

    There was that story a while back about the guy who was told by an airline’s AI help-desk bot that he would get a ticket refund if turned out he was unable to fly, only for the airline to say they had no such policy when he came to claim.

    He had screenshots and said he wouldn’t have bought the tickets in the first place if he had been told the correct policy. The AI basically hallucinated a policy, and the airline was ultimately found liable. Guy got his refund.

    And the airline took down the bot.

  • I think they thought they could be the “true Tesla” to rival the “Edison” thief or mangler of ideas that the company named Tesla is or, at least appears to be*.

    Ironically, that seems to have been the only truly good idea they’ve had.

    * For legal reasons this is a hypothetical opinion I believe, in some form, might have belonged to the founder(s) of Nikola Motor, and says nothing of my own disappointment opinion.

  • What you’ve got to realise is that the Linux folks who don’t have Windows any more have literally no idea how to fix this problem because it’s not a problem they’ve ever had to face. Or if they have, it was a very long time ago and for some who realise their knowledge is stale, they decide to cover it up with bullying and a claim of superiority.

    Source: Am Linux with very stale Windows knowledge. I do not know the answer to OP’s question. This makes me feel inadequate. I will choose the true superior path of not being an ass about it. (Instead being an ass about those who would be, I guess. Hee-haw.)

  • It’s all fun and games until you’re assigned an SSN that contains a profanity. Because you know there’s a strong chance they’ll forget to implement a check for that until someone complains, and an even stronger chance that something that looks like a profanity will escape the first implementation of checks.

    e.g. There will be someone assigned IMABUM123 and a) that will get through the understaffed / automated profanity check (no four letter words) and b) the person who gets it will have so many problems getting people to believe that it’s really their SSN, including the people who could assign them a new one.

  • You know how the Romans wrote U? V.

    Like J is a variant of I, U is a variant of V. Julius Caesar would have written his name IVLIVS

    In some languages, especially English, the shapes were used interchangeably until well after the invention of the printing press. There are old, modern English dictionaries in existence where you’ll find words with “i” and “j” sorted in the “wrong” order or intermixed, and likewise for “u” and “v” for precisely this reason.

    The letter w was born during that mixed up time, and so it got the double-u name, despite the fact that the shape doesn’t seem to match any more.

    (For more fun, look up the letter wynn, “Ƿ” which if it had survived into Middle English, might be what we’d be using instead.)

  • I hate to admit it, but I don’t. Even before it entered the purgatory it’s stuck in at the moment, there was a severe spam and bot problem in the largely abandoned local magazines.

    If it came back now, something would have to be done about that, and though I have been previously, I’m not up for volunteering to do it.

    The only real loss here is the (lack of) continued development of the Kbin software. Mbin might be a descendent, even the heir apparent, but it’s not the original.

  • How often has that happened though? That is, how often have you toggled the safe search to see if you still see the results you want?

    You’d really be better off if you left safe search on and only turned it off when you haven’t seen what you’re expecting to see.

    That is, unless your subconscious is really hoping for something salacious, you haven’t caught onto that and you’re having to find other justifications why you don’t want to turn it on. You might want to look inward a bit there. (I’ll save you the counter-analysis and say that occasionally I’m curious enough to turn it off and see what’s there. Often to disappointment. Usually though, it stays on “moderate”.)

  • The secret to Mastodon is to follow hashtags, not people. (It took a while for that feature to mature, which made that difficult earlier on.)

    You can follow people too, but with the population there being lower, it generally makes more sense to follow a topic and hide accounts you don’t want to see.

    Caveat: I don’t spend a lot of time on microblogging platforms, Mastodon or otherwise. The above knowledge might be stale, but used present tense to not give the impression the platform is dead.