OP’s profile created 3 hrs ago.
Do what you want with this information.
OP’s profile created 3 hrs ago.
Do what you want with this information.
I’ve been using 0.7 point Pentel Supremes since I began high school
I really needed a sequel of Italians vs. Billionaires
You are projecting a lot of things I haven’t said: I’m not crashing a wedding for any sense of politics, this is beyond any political motivation. This is personal.
If I have a beef with my brother, or any other member of my family, and they invite me to their wedding, boy am I making them regret this decision.
Everyone at that party is going to think twice before sending me that golden print letter in the future.
No one thinks you’re a “crazy liberal” when you’re puking orange juice and vodka you brought from home in the punchbowl and then shout out “Don’t worry everyone, it’s just gonna taste better!”
If that was really the case and if I was OP I’d go to that wedding, get absolutely shitfaced in the least amount of time my liver allows me to and let the shitshow begin.
There is no point in peaceful confrontation when the world is burning.
“My brother calls me a moron and punches me in the dick every day and I don’t want to let him anymore, am I the asshole?”
Random lesser known facts in no particular order:
Edit: Also, for the parents of children with ADHD get an adult with ADHD and make them interact with your child. You’ll learn more from 10 minutes of that than years of literally anything else.
“Enhanced oil recovery” really sounds like fracking with extra steps
Have you tried crying for 45/60 minutes? Works like a charm
I distro-hopped so many times I got so sick of change that I’ve stuck with Debian for 4 years, the longest ever. It’s a peaceful life.
“Censorship” has become a buzzword and lost all of its meaning
There’s always the risk that people who visit the house next door are into whatever annoying music you’re playing and end up moving there and blasting it for the rest of your life
But then how can I say “I love you” to my soulmate without the extra suffering and exploitation of human life the real ones provide?
As trivial as it sounds, pornography.
Imagine having to pull out the trench from the winter drawer and drive to another town’s smutt shop, so they don’t recognize you, every time you feel like wanking
Jenga in 2001
It’s a niche thing, but if you play electric guitar and need a virtual amplifier and effects, you’ll like Guitarix very much. Just thinking that is a community project blows me away every time
Welcome to the team.
I hope you brought your bouncing shoes because as soon as you’ll get comfortable, you’ll start hopping a lot