I think you might be interested on this Wikipedia article: Trepanning
I think you might be interested on this Wikipedia article: Trepanning
Yeah, this left a bad taste.
At least he revoked this section of the decision a couple hours later.
You’re right but IMO that part of the article that you highlighted should be the news, not the “we should make Musk do something”.
Musk is a billionaire that thrives on attention so any form of headline that cites his name is playing his game.
Twitter is a company with investors. They should be accountable to what happens in their domain. And not by having their wrist slapped because – for the nth time – something bad happened. Media should be saying by now that Twitter is a bad place. Like they did with other social networks before.
I’m not sure if Twitter has “responsibilities” to begin with. It has what we - as a society - give it the legitimacy to have.
Life is too short to read all the words
I lasted about 4 answers until I remembered that TAS in this context means The Animated Series and not Tool Assisted Speedrun
I genuinely don’t know. Their name was just the first one that came to my mind.
Why are we suddenly selling more NAS grade HDDs?
A car
Nope. I don’t like the format.
A 30 seconds video is like repeating the same mistakes that turned Twitter (yes, even before Elon Musk) to what it is today: a place that there’s no shade of gray, no nuance and everything is outrageous. A Short has no time to elaborate on anything and can simplify the subject so much that it becomes just misinformation.
Also I don’t believe it’s worth for creators in the long run. I’m not a creator myself but I believe that the time-effort to create a video is not linear with its duration. They can make a short so elaborated and viral that it would be more worth to create a full video in regards of sponsorship, ad revenue and subscription retention.
Since I’ve adopted PowerToys -> PowerToys Run and set a shortcut to open it with “Super (windows key) + Space” I don’t know what a start menu is.
If you take a look into the fitness bubble on YouTube you will see military propaganda too. They’re often competing against real soldiers/SEALS/whatever to demonstrate how well prepared they’re are in the case of war. Back in the subject of engineering, William Osman was also sponsored by the Navy (I think) one time.
You can. As others have said it’s just a trend.
There are parts made specifically for those like you (and me) who don’t like unicorn barf all over their room. (My case has RGB fans. I just don’t connect these pins tho)
Maybe take a look at Hunchly?
It’s a tool for online investigations so it might be useful for what you’re looking for
Sharing video is such a big problem that even Google couldn’t solve it when it was their time. They just bought their biggest competitor when their own platform didn’t get traction. And then operated at a loss for years and years.
I’d love to see descentralized video platforms as the next guy but there are serious barriers that come with the medium
God. Damnit.
This is so bullshit that EVERY major datasheet application works the same way. Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice Calc…
All of them have their functions translated and it makes me have to search for tables of equivalency between them. Fuck that.
Here’s a list in order of what I think you should address before deciding your next haircut:
What’s your hair type? Is it curly? Extra curly? Straight? Does it have too much (or lacks) volume? You can change your hair to some degree (mine is curly and I used to straighten it when I was your age) so have this in mind.
What’s your personal style? Do you like it short like people in the army or would you like it to be longer? Are you a metalhead, a punk or like the classic pompadour?
How much time do you want to spend on it every morning? Some styles are much more time consuming to maintain than others.
They’re are all personal questions that you have to answer yourself. Just think about them for a while and decide on what you think is cool. Then walk to a barber shop that you trust and ask the guy to make yours like the photo. If the guy does a bad job then put on a cap and wait for it to grow back haha
When the thunderstorm is very far away and I can listen just the faintest noise i I like to say that the sky’s stomach is rumbling.
Seems like a nice idea but I’m gonna place a bet here and say that this will be heavily gamefied by those fake Elon Musk streams trying to sell crypto or something similar.
This could also be exploited by those who use info stealers to hijack browser sessions and hype fraudulent streams.
I just wish we could also sort the leaderboard by category. I have no interest in gossip or drama.