Well I can’t say that. I got an 8a and honestly it’s been a solid upgrade in all regards. It is a little bit too big for me (4a was sized perfectly) but other than that, I enjoy 8a more.
Well I can’t say that. I got an 8a and honestly it’s been a solid upgrade in all regards. It is a little bit too big for me (4a was sized perfectly) but other than that, I enjoy 8a more.
I gave my old 4a to my father who enjoyed it tremendously. This bullshit update ruined the phone for him. Battery replacement helped but I really don’t see how such updates are okay to push for a company this big. They know there are two types of batteries and one of those can’t handle the update, because they’ve sent a warning to those phones. Maybe just don’t push the update to those phones instead?
Well it was kinda logical when the PSN account was required, in the sense that you can’t activate it in the country it’s sold in because PSN doesn’t work in that country (another question is why it doesn’t but let’s not focus on that). But since there is no more PSN requirement then there’s nothing stopping people from activating it so it makes no sense to region lock it now.
Still region-locked unfortunately, at least for now.
I’m sure they can design it in a way to work with existing tires. But I’m also sure there’s zero chance replacing these wheels will be anywhere near cheap.
Honestly not against it. Reviews are useless for these system core apps. But the descriptions should include some useful info on what this specific app does instead of just being two lines rewording the app’s title.
Literally the only rule Musk follows is the rule of power. Legal shit means nothing, might is right. So yeah, govs should deal with him the same way before it’s too late.
There are a lot of reasons why. Mastodon apps are not pretty. The logo is not attractive. The signup where you need to pick the server for some reason is confusing. The reputation Mastodon already has among the general public, that it’s the place for Linux enthusiasts, is not doing it any more favors.
You say that the algorithms have ruined everything but it’s just not true. Discoverability is dead on Mastodon. The platform doesn’t suggest me any new people to follow. The vocal minority against the recommendation algorithms is just that, a vocal minority. Recommendations are useful if they are not obtrusive.
I’ve been trying to keep my Mastodon account active for two years and I’ve been posting some random shit the same way I did on Twitter. I’ve been looking for some fun idiots but there are none, it’s all uptight serious people who are honestly pretty insufferable to read. I deleted my Mastodon account half a year ago and the one thing I appreciate is how easy it was — just a couple of clicks and you’re done.
Calling out bad actors gives them an audience. Nine of your readers will agree that this person is a piece of shit but the tenth will think “hmm maybe there’s some truth to this” and follow that bad actor. And that’s how it propagates. No, nothing but blocks and silent treatment to people feeding on outrage.
And also, isn’t Copilot in other MS products besides Windows as well? Even if not now, it could be in the future. This naming would make it limiting to expand.
I’m waiting for some names, my dude.
Also, LDPR, KPRF and any other smaller bullshit is not opposition, any other opinion is uninformed and/or pro-Putin. Yabloko was opposition until about 2016 but not for longer.
There’s even opponents to Putin who’ve had more electoral success than getting 27% in a mayoral election.
And I’m sure you have the list at hand and ready to inform me, since me, a Russian who lived in Russia until the war started, has no idea who the hell you’re talking about. Please include the examples after 2010 at least, the political activity before that is not super relevant.
I’d say хз (the last one) is still used very commonly, but the rest are a bit outdated and I barely see them anymore.
Another thing I thought was outdated but some of my friends use is shortening common words. “I like” would be “мне нравится” and some people save themselves a second and write it like “мне нрав”.
And another thing I just thought of is “etc” equivalent in Russian, “и т.д.”, this one is used officially in documents etc, it’s a shortening of “и так далее”, literally “and so on”. And some people simplify it further by writing “итд” without spaces and dots.
A regular French thing I guess
Now on Tap also used OCR. Both Google Lens and Now on Tap get the same bullshit results on any languages that are not Latin. Literally, Ж gets read as >|< by both exactly the same.
Also in all Cyrillic languages since those don’t have an X letter and have to use ks (кс) instead
Honestly I grew out of Linkin Park and I haven’t listened to their old or new stuff for years now. I listen to Hybrid Theory like once a year or of nostalgia, but that’s it, I don’t actually get any musical enjoyment from them anymore. But A Thousand Suns is an exception. Such an incredible album. So powerful, so different from everything else they’ve made, and quite unique.
I would guess this person pronounces it like “ooniversity” in which case it’s correct, it depends on if there’s a vowel or consonant sound, not what letter it is. But I never heard it pronounced that way, for me it’s always been “youniversity” and in that case it’s incorrect.
Garmin hybrid watch might be something you’d like.
The metal frame makes the phone feel much more solid. The 120 Hz screen is an incredible improvement, 60 Hz screens feel laggy now. The camera is noticeably better, I’ve always considered 4a’s camera to be way above its price range in terms of quality but 8a beats it. And also I like that 8a comes in mint, that’s always been my favorite color.