More often than not when I mention Lemmy to someone, it’s after they’ve told me about something they saw on reddit and their reply is invariably, “what the fuck is Lemmy?”
More often than not when I mention Lemmy to someone, it’s after they’ve told me about something they saw on reddit and their reply is invariably, “what the fuck is Lemmy?”
Wanna come to a club where people wee on each other?
Obligatory hail Satan!
It just fucking is, kiddo.
I’m right there with you, my brother in crust.
My mother will not be fazed by this one bit.
Well, imagine my shock.
Good news, everyone!
Taste the hammer of justice, scum.
Yes, that much I was able to surmise.
By “call her daddy”, do they mean that I am to contact her father, or am I to refer to her as daddy? 🤔
Wash your ass better.
Do you not wash your ass?
declarations that she would protect Missouri from the “transgender industry."
She won’t let Big Transgender get a foothold in her state.
Bomberman Hero is pretty special to me. Also, I don’t think Jet Force Gemini gets enough love.
How can you believe and trust the bible at all?
You can never go wrong with cats or plants.
Dead Hand fucked me up in 1998. I don’t think I’ve been quite right since.