The most interesting part of this take is that JD Vance is very much in the big tech friends circle with Thiel and Musk. But I’m sure they can run some antitrust against their enemies at Google or whatever
Expert developer, Buddhist
The most interesting part of this take is that JD Vance is very much in the big tech friends circle with Thiel and Musk. But I’m sure they can run some antitrust against their enemies at Google or whatever
There’s like 1.2 million people in USA prisons. Why this group in particular?? Just do what every dem president does and release all the potheads without actually fixing the war on drugs problem
Wow that’s pretty fkin shallow my guy, try going to Mexico one day. There are ancient ruins the size of modern cities everywhere, unique construction styles that make Hollywood look like a tin shack town, and a very rich show/restaurant scene. I mean it’s a huge fucking country, and I don’t think you’re gonna find Mexicans that see drugs as a good Christian lifestyle
Then I read that chat apps and YouTube would not be banned, and scoffed
Literally chat apps are social media. You can post stories and pump memes and news. You can even have bots that scrape and post content. YouTube is just a matter of checking a box whether it’s “for kids” and they already do that. Basically the whole thing is stupid
Y’know, you’re right & that’s wild. I guess I should have known, but didn’t assume that they have like 600m in unrelated investments. Though the burn rate is quite a lot too, so they probably would scale back browser dev a lot if it lost its profitability & become a pure VC kinda org
Not only does it need to do everything from memory management to job scheduling, it also has all of the UI and graphics driver complexity blended in. Usually that’s a different layer that the kernel historically didn’t worry about, it would be as if GTK is part of Linux, along with the programming language. Then there’s shit like WebAssembly and WebGL, databases, sandboxing, permissions, user management… A Brower is like a cross platform OS built to run on another OS
The thing is it’s never been more expensive and time consuming to write a browser, it’s bigger scope than a kernel in many ways. Stuff like Epiphany isn’t even close, despite relying on Apple’s webkit. Most distros just push people to Firefox now, despite a history of KHTML and all that. We would need something like the Linux Foundation to pick it up (which runs on corporate sponsorship for a shared resource)
Yeah but in the short term the company will literally go out of business
Honestly hilarious level of QQ. The election wasn’t rigged. He won by almost 100 electoral college votes. He had the most popular votes, by 2.5 million people, roughly 50%. Republicans swept House, Senate, and Governors
Elections in the USA are always pretty close, that’s how it works. But this victory is a complete and total one with no real room for doubt
You may not like it, but those are the facts. Don’t mimic the sad boy GOP crying “election fraud” — the people voted. Yes, that means there are people in this country that disagree with you and don’t trust the direction of the Democrats. You might call them brainwashed, bigoted, transphobic, or religious extremists, but they get to voice their desires anyway. Society is a push and pull between different value systems, and imagining half the country is “evil” will only cause more harm
Nothing is going to stop the transition. Buckle up, and try harder next time. Maybe the Dems will actually let a primary happen rather than choosing your leader for you
cries in his no longer useable projector mod
And somehow breaking even more sites than safari; missing many modern features
Welllll I mean technically webkit is totally separate from chromes blink fork for the last several years. I.e. browers like safari and gnome’s epiphany. That said, safari is mac/iOS only and epiphany sucks ass so…
Idk I don’t miss anything. We got good software too, some of which is Linux specific or simply works best there. Get a PS5 and call it a day
Basically, media cannot truly be DRM because: (1) it ~has to be converted into data that screens and speakers can display (2) ultimately if it’s fetching widevine encryption keys, those keys are somewhere in your device and can be retrieved
So yes, you can do it. A “capture card” is such a “gyzmo” — but often, you can just rip using software, i.e. record the decoded stream
Nah he was saying he was okay with free versions of his app undercutting him before, but calling his paid version a scam caused him to reconsider the policy - threatens revenue
My guy they just caught an object falling from space using a pair of giant chopsticks
Nothing wrong with rsync, it’s still kinda the shit. Short script, will do everything
https://git-annex.branchable.com/ this thing extends git to handling lots of big files. Probably a solid choice, haven’t tried, but it claims to do exactly what you need, and even has ui and partial sync
Seems dope, I mean, your computer don’t work and retyping text is lame
Then how do you defeat the new bsod in the Linux kernel? It’s got a fancy QR code!!
(It’s “install bsd” isn’t it…)
https://www.sketchup.com/ is pretty easy