just a sad trans girl looking for laugh-out-louds
There will be multiple investigations, televised hearings, and high-quality footage of foreign dignitaries being handed burlap sacks with dollar signs on them full of cash by the president himself. And nothing will come of it.
If the media is cowed, Congress is gridlocked, and the courts aren’t allowed to exercise their authority, then who the hell do they think will serve as a check on presidential power?
Such a beautiful language
Do you pronounce it wheek, week, or weak?
Lemmy user verbally eviscerated in legendary comment thread [xpost MurderedByWords CleverComebacks]
That’s an apt analogy. I was just thinkin this is loss.
So what we’re really talking about here is not sleep debt, but rather, sleep loss.
I was gonna go with “most people give a damn”, but I think you phrased it a bit more positively.
I’m saying this unironically: this comment could go on any dumbass thread about China’s dumbass social media and dumbass AI. I don’t understand why I don’t see it more.
They. Are. Authoritarian.
The measures will be equally painful for prices, if not more so. Eventually the prices will acquiesce and lower themselves.
I’m becoming an inveg – involuntary vegan
Yeah well maybe they should come here. Lol not to be too harsh. What kinda questions are there anyway? More importantly, what questions are there that can’t be answered by “just go on lemmy brah”?
One of my coworkers brought it up unprompted with me like this. I heard them out, showed some empathy, and talked about coping strategies. I tried to keep it focused on what they wanted/needed.
It’s like, come on. Did OP really have to ask?
But expert musicians often experience a “ceiling effect,” in which their skill level plateaus after extensive training.
Goku, with full awareness of the possibility that my opinion may have been influenced by the ordering of the names.
“Oops, I typed this message to the vice president and forgot to click send! Anyway now we can’t have unions.”