• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Active in my subbed communities and hide read posts, that usually gives me a similar experience that I had with Reddit (and using Boost or Sync for Reddit sometimes makes me forget where I am lol).

    Sometimes I sort it to the top 6, 12 or 24 hours though.

    Scaled is the default account sort as I find it the best when I am browsing Lemmy on a PC/Lap (which that would be like 1% of my total Lemmy usage, just like Reddit lol).

  • These are my favorite apps in preference order right now:

    • Summit
    • Boost
    • Eternity
    • Voyager
    • Thunder
    • Sync (seriously the damn mark as read on scroll needs to be fixed to be on top 2 again…)

    I’d tell my issues with each client just as I did with Sync, but I don’t want to sound mean… (Also they are very specific for my usage and my device I guess), so I chose to keep things positive because we have plenty of pretty good clients! :)

    Of course I am missing some other clients but those are the ones that stick in my “Social” folder the most time.