Lightly toasted potato bread, mayonnaise, salted Jersey tomatoes, fresh dill. ❤️
don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine
Lightly toasted potato bread, mayonnaise, salted Jersey tomatoes, fresh dill. ❤️
I’ve tried, and weirdly it made me feel rage. I was really surprised but most times I’ve tried meditation it ends in rage or a weird feeling of grief. I don’t know what that’s about but no thanks!
I named my Mustang Sally.
I’m a woman and I think about cooking and nail polish. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to eat nutritious meals and have pretty hands! Doesn’t mean that’s all I think about, or that all my thoughts are shallow.
I’m not attacking you or defending dumbass Vance, just pointing out there’s nothing wrong with thinking about stereotypically feminine things :)
Two of my favorites:
“Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB/GYNs aren’t able to practice their love with women all across the country.”
“They misunderestimated me.”
I think he heccin’ beautiful
Hey, at least he didn’t put mustard on a burger!
Warp particles!
I bring a book and pace around in the water while I read.
He’s cultivating mass!
Aw, you just reminded me of something. My grandma used to wash out soup cans, then use them to bake small raisin breads. She would make several at once and you could freeze them. I don’t know where she got this idea but it was awesome always having these tiny raisin breads available :) especially if you don’t want to commit to a whole full-sized loaf!
My mom prays to St. Anthony. #justcatholicthings
I’m atheist. My mom is a devout catholic (and raised me that way) and my dad is an atheist Jew. I never truly believed and mostly think religion is dumb, but I’m fine with everyone believing or not as they see fit. I’m not fine when others’ religion is forced on anyone else - e.g., abortion restrictions, the 10 commandments being displayed in Louisiana classrooms.
Very tail end of Gen X.
Ha, actually no! But that’s because my sister was wayyy pickier than me. Her diet primarily consisted of hamsteak & oodles of noodles for a long time.
YES, emoticons are so much better than emojis!