• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Look, I’m all for reforestation efforts, and if Rs are willing to start a large environmental project like that, great. But, it’s really not a solution for climate change on a global scale. At best it’s a repair effort for the damage already done.

    Even if they get the scale right, and somehow manage to plant and cultivate a trillion trees successfully, trees are more of a short-term carbon sink when you’re talking about a geological time scale. They die, they burn, they get chopped down. When that happens, the carbon is liberated again. Sure, you can plant more trees, but all you’re doing is changing the equilibrium point for atmospheric CO2. With each gallon of gas burned, more CO2 enters the cycle that would have otherwise remained in the ground long term. Trying to solve climate change by reforestation is like trying to fill a leaky bucket with water. No matter how much you pour in there, at some point you’ll have to stop the leak.

    The answer to climate change is the same, yesterday, today, and forever: long term carbon sinks (fossil fuels and chemical weathering) cannot liberate CO2 at the rate we’re currently running. Reduction is the only real answer.

  • So I hope I don’t come off as too aggressive or anything here, I just want to combat as much of the classic Reddit misinformation while this space is still small

    the huge number of independents is everyone saying that they don’t want to be pigeon holed into anything online

    That isn’t how a Gallup poll works. It’s a randomized phone survey with elected participation. Now obviously there’s inherent self-selection bias with any such survey, but it’s still at least an indicator of trends. This type of poll is the best for assessing party sentiment, which is what the subject of the article is about and what my original comment was addressing.

    We’ll never know how many Rs we’ve lost to the pandemic either

    I don’t understand why people started thinking this? States may have done a bad job reporting cause of deaths, but the death still gets reported. Like… do people think there are a ton of unmarked graves in Florida or something?

    Excess deaths modeling over 2020-22 means it’s pretty easy to figure out how many people died in the pandemic. Whether those people were R voters can be reasonably predicted from county/demographic makeup, such as this study here..

    But to your point, if all we care about is who votes for whom in 2024, we can just survey that too. And surveys from basically every site, R or D funded, have the race at a dead heat with Biden only slightly edging out Trump.. Now as we learned in 2016, polls can be very, very wrong, but they’re really all we’ve got at this juncture.

    Again, hope you don’t read this as aggressive, I just want people to be better informed and stop listening to blog posts like they’re legitimate truths.

  • Vaccine safety HAS been demonstrated. Him choosing to ignore that is the issue. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe he’s not interested in proving vaccine safety, he’s interested in fabricating its harm?

    He’s not being “skeptical of clinical trials”, he’s willfully broadcasting misinformation. Did you even click on a single link I sent?

    Anti-mercury? Did you even fucking click one link I sent you? Thiomersal isn’t in any childhood vaccines, it was removed in 1999, and even then it was never shown to be harmful at the doses present in vaccines. Yet he still runs anti-vaxx events on that obvious lie.

    Did it ever occur to you that people lie about their priorities when they’re running for office? This dumbass has caused irreparable harm to health worldwide and continues to fund general anti-vaccine propaganda. He’s STILL the chairman of the CHD, the most prolific anti-vaxx advertiser on the internet. Read my fucking links dude. Him being not only scientifically ignorant but also a raging hypocrite is a selling point to you?

    I’m really not trying to be a jerk here, but you have me floored. For fuck’s sake, let his track record speak for itself. He can say “I’m pro-vaccine” all he wants, but he’s poured millions of dollars and countless hours into anti-vaccine propaganda. He’s one of the main reasons people think vaccines cause autism, even though that’s not the slightest bit true. He’s one of the main opponents of the COVID vaccines, despite their safety being demonstrated over and over. He just barely wrote another book on the subject!

    If running one of the worst anti-science hoaxes of the century doesn’t disqualify you from being the president of the US, which if you weren’t aware, comes with extreme influence over the research direction and funding of the US… what fucking would disqualify someone?