Apologists who sit down at the same table as the Nazis are equivocal to the pre-seated Nazis. Zero sympathy.
Purge and lance the boil.
Apologists who sit down at the same table as the Nazis are equivocal to the pre-seated Nazis. Zero sympathy.
Purge and lance the boil.
Thus week on: The A-hole in the K-hole…
Why isn’t the puny, petulant man-thing that runs the Nazicar Factory not suing us all for not buying them? That’s how you deal with advertisers who don’t wanna advertise with him so why not consumers who don’t want to consume?
It’s the next stupid, asinine step.
I hope anyone who ever admired this fuck face is deeply embarrassed. Or losing money.
Also the only animal whose greed and hoarding behavior outdoes it’s conspecific altruism.
To be able extra clear, fuck twitter, fuck nestle and fuuuuuuuck Musk.
A form of art they have main-ered.
As a Canadian, it really really sucks that we have to hurt our friends to help them, or you’ll hurt us all worse. It really sucks that you, personally, had to say those things too, but it’s also brave, and makes me hopeful that we can get through this.
Trump’s basically a fractal hypocrisy, which is, as I understand it, why and how the grift keeps grifting.
Well, and the coldness inside too ❄️
All shitstain muskrat’s shrieking ‘Pedo’ at anyone critical of him really feels like projection in this context.
As most things do when it comes to the exceptionally primitive conservative reptile-brain.
I hope it’s from explosive diarrhea and in public, and he’s aware of it every minute, and confused and embarrassed. That’s the important bit, that he goes confused. I want the last spark of chemistry in that shitheels’ brain to be devoted to the utterly failed grasping of his situation.
Maybe, but this is why I already bought an EV in 2020. By the time the battery has degraded, I hope to be able to replace them with cheaper, higher capacity upgrades.
I heard if you ingest huge quantities of bananine, you will see the golden path humanity must walk, but will be condemned to life as a half banana, half human monstrosity.
Pass me some apostate-o chips while I log in then!
Awesome. Your next step should be: getting appointed to the hooded and robed “council that decides the intrinsic worth of every human endeavor and inculcates this via subliminal carrier wave to the whole species”.
Make that “maybe” come true kiddo!
Or, alternatively, one might opt to look at the world around them whilst they are using public transportation, instead of solipsistic immersion into a screen.
I was led to understand that “terminally online” was an undesirable state to exist in.
It should also be a strong strong signal to stop listening to the apes that are hoarding all the bananas, and instead, eat that banana-hoarding abhorrence.
So, a Splinternet?
Yep. This cluster fuck all but guaranteed our political dick-pendulum will swing right very shortly.