The powers that be are in on it in the sense that they are the literal, whole problem.
The powers that be are in on it in the sense that they are the literal, whole problem.
Nice, so we’re all angry! We did it!
Because Canada recently became the 51st state?
It might seem trivial, but this stupid headline points to one reason Republicans have been winning. Everyone (notably journalists) still feels the need to “play the game” as they’ve always known it.
Oh, Candidate A said something? The game rules say you now have to run a quote in response from Candidate B.
But when Candidate B is an openly corrupt, lying, fascist, rapist shitpile who can’t make it to the potty in time and is in the pocket of Russia, maybe take the fucking gloves off at some point and stop pretending you can or SHOULD be impartial. Here, watch:
After Public Nazi Salute Musk-Owned X Now Running Pro-Hitler, Holocaust-Denying Ads
It’s not perfect, yet still worlds better.
I’m going to be looking for ways to make the name even more Mexican now. Maybe just perfect my Spanish at least for that one phrase. Gwalfo de Meh-hee-co
I’m looking for silver linings and I suppose the marketing people at these companies are much less stressed to have to keep Googling, “how to pretend to give a shit about fellow humans” every time they need to produce a few hundred characters.
Nobody else found it odd that these solar installations are just flying away?
You expressed it well. The best solution to our generational crisis is one that takes a generation or so to build-up (education) and that Republicans have already spent at least a generation already tearing down. We’re sitting ducks.
Counter-point: he won the race by being the fastest runner. But I grant you it took him awhile to decide to run the race relative to average life spans and the age of the likely typical marathon runner, so we can just call it a draw.
Edit: Okay, I read the rest of the article. Quite a ride.
I find this true of so few actual races.
It’s like the shitpost version of blitzkrieg. Just overwhelming you with absolute diarrhea for the soul. And it’s working, even though we all know it’s happening.
Hell, I got excited when I saw it was that high.
in 2032
When I worked in this stuff, I was personally aware of Republican members of Congress who saw what Trump was and were trying to stop it, back when he was first appearing on the scene. They all either crawled in bed with him once he won, got run out of DC, or sometimes both!
I worked for a law firm that handled relevant federal employee/whistleblower matters. And another organization that attempted to scream about what was happening at OMB, OPM, GSA, etc…etc…
Among the challenges faced by the law firm were the fact that Trump was intentionally gutting/paralyzing the various labor boards and other aspects of the civil service. It was very targeted and intentional. It was a purge, just not the killing part (yet). But as with those screamed warnings about OPM, OMB, etc… who on earth cares and was reading them? You start talking about the evil shit happening at the Office of Management and Budget and eyes instantly glaze over. Even in DC. Even with reporters. It’s too much to make bite sized and sexy. It doesn’t break through the fog/grey zone shit.
So it runs in some shitty trade publication read by a few hundred people and they all already agree, but have the same response. “So what do we do!?” But the systems that were supposed to be there either aren’t there anymore, were already gutted while nobody was paying attention to the real, wonky, day to day business of running a government, or just don’t work in an otherwise corroded system. Hell, I personally made efforts and lost friends, family, and a career over this shit starting in like 2014. This has been coming for awhile. We’re officially in it until we’re not.
Sorry for being so hopeless and negative, but I feel pretty hopeless and negative right now.
This might come across as dickish, but is intended sincerely: through what channels could they have an impact? Republicans now control literally every branch of government. The only things that I’d imagine MIGHT be effective enough:
1.) Military coup led by someone who could appeal to sense of duty and pull over a significant chunk of the military. Very unlikely, but theoretically effective.
2.) Very criminal actions that most people of means aren’t likely to entertain as failure means losing their lives one way or another.
3.) Disruptive, mass protests akin to the Arab Spring or similar for an extended period. Which Americans have never really done and which realistically probably just equates to civil war in the current environment.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t think there’s an easy solution, even for those of means actively in government in this moment. You could be a literal judge or Congressman and it would mean jack shit right now. I think #3 is the most likely to maybe eventually happen, if any, but it’ll take a loooooot to finally get enough of us there.
I asked nicely? Please?
He’ll find it just before the end of his life, having ultimately spent $780,000,000.01 to succeed.
Actually, yeah, it’s pretty fun for what it is. 78% Rotten Tomatoes/76% User Score, for reference. 7.0 on imdb.
Someone please make it stop?
You said it so much more elegantly than I had it in my head.
It does, but I’m busy with day to day affairs, gotta pay rent/mortgage/medical bills, gotta feed the family, gotta keep working, can’t take risks, …