Some Alternatives:
Organic Maps (Mobile)
EDIT: Added Organic Maps
EDIT: Removed Apple Maps since they’ve made their change.
Some Alternatives:
Organic Maps (Mobile)
EDIT: Added Organic Maps
EDIT: Removed Apple Maps since they’ve made their change.
I think a mini game could be had here. Create an account and post something that’s not overly ban worthy offense like mentioning Tiananmen Square or posting a picture of Winnie-the-Pooh but something subtle and see where the boundaries are. I bet there are lots of invisible lines where ban can be tripped. It could be it’s own community.
I don’t think you understand the definition of the word racist.
serpentza video on this topic.
I absolutely agree with you there. For consumer space this merger doesn’t make sense for Honda. For Nissan share holder, this is fantastic… Only thing I can think of is Nissan has some EV tech that Honda could use but that’s quite the stretch. Nissan actually jumped into EV relatively early but they didn’t iterate on it quickly enough to matter. Honda has been dragging their feet on EV and they both completely missed the boat on bridge tech offering like plug in hybrid. This merger isn’t going to do anything to fix that.
Since Nissan is now a low end brand and Honda is moving more towards premium side perhaps being together would cover the market segments better. The merger absolutely does nothing for the high end market though.
The one thing that I don’t know anything about is the commercial market domestically in Japan. Perhaps Nissan has good market share which Honda could gain from this merger. Maybe someone could chime in on this.
Here is a video explaining the current situation regarding US and NATO greenlighting the use of long range weapons.
The point of allowing Ukraine to use these weapons isn’t for Ukraine to strike deep into Russian territory. It is to deter Russia setting up logistics just across Ukraine and Russian border because they feel safe. This forces Russia to move their logistics centers further inward stretching out the line. Another reason mention in the video is to strike the bridge in the Kerch strait connecting Crimea and Russia.
NATO could have made this decision in secret and allow Ukrane to launch a surprise attack deep into Russia but that’s not what’s happening. It seems like everyone including PM of Canada is essentially broadcasting this new potential capability instead of keeping it a secret because NATO wants it to be a form of deterrent. This is why this is relatively safe move and will not escalate into anything bigger like a full on nuclear war.
This is going to get someone killed. At this point I think they’re actively trying to get someone killed for a news cycle that’s not about how awful Trump is doing.
The cardboard cut out would actually do better than Trump. It wouldn’t get baited into talking about crowd size and then babbling conspiracy theory about some migrant eating dogs and cats.
Her statement was impeccable. She mentioned the AI generated fake image which appeared three weeks ago. This is the response that had to be made by her. She signed it Childless Cat Lady. Perfect.
Yikes. I feel sorry for all the help desk and support staff that has to deal with this chaotic mess all day.
This Chinese CPU and mobo is not meant to compete against Intel or AMD based system. This 4 core CPU is probably comparable to 2019 Intel or AMD CPU at best. This CPU meant for two markets, domestic Chinese consumers and Chinese government. The west sees China as emerging threat so they’ve been blocking lot of chip manufacturing tech and high end GPUs used for AI. The Chinese government wants to be less dependent on western technology and build their own domestic CPU. Also Chinese government may be paranoid about Intel IME and AMD ST spying on them so this CPU would alleviate that worry. Clearly it’s not meant to be sold in mass to western consumers. If I had to guess actual competitive price of this CPU and mobo combo is around $150 at the most.
CPU + Mobo combo plus a CPU cooler which adds up to about $381.40 which is $8 more than Chinese CPU + mobo combo. I think that’s close enough to be within the margin of price fluctuations. That AM5 mobo comes with four memory slots, PCIe 4.0, USB 3.2 and Wifi 6E. Those features may be worth extra $8 for some.
This is not a good deal. First of all I highly doubt this mobo and CPU will be Windows 11 compatible so you’re out of luck there. For $373 you can find an AMD Ryzen 5 7600X and mobo combo deal that will vastly outperform this Chinese CPU. Also AMD’s AM5 platform is DDR5 while this Chinese CPU and mobo combo is DDR4. $373 is a ridiculously non competitive price.
With the current state of streaming services mess, I think I would have signed up for disc rental by mail. Access to nearly 100% of media at highest quality for around 10 to 15 bucks a month seems like pretty good deal right about now. Sadly Netflix killed that part of their business so I can’t even go back to that.
Five to ten seconds wait for a voice command kills any chance for this being a viable product. If they can’t bring down the response turnaround time to two or three seconds, this product is dead on arrival. It’s not worth discussing anything else until they can do that.
There is something extremely creepy about her tone of voice and body language. One second it feels like she is trying to convince you that she is genuine but she tries too hard which immediately make you think she is faking it. All of a sudden she sounds angry in a very serious way which makes me think she is a psychopath and she about to stab me in the neck with an ice pick. My immediate instinctive reaction is to stop the video. Last time I was this creeped out was watching Anthony Hopkins’ performance in Silence of the Lamb. Of course that was just really good acting of a fictional character and this is a real life person which makes it even more disturbing.
US military is definitely aware of this obvious problem and they’re probably in a planning stage of building out their own low earth orbit constellation of satellites that they fully control for military use. If I had to guess they’ll contract with Blue Origin to build out this architecture. Elon is shown to be a security liability at this point with alleged drug use and conflict of interest with countries deemed adversarial to US.
I think Trump can wear a giant swastika necklace much like Flavor Flav and get on stage praising Hitler today and his numbers won’t change. His MAGA crowd will likely like him even more if he did that. Discussing whether if Trump read Hitler’s writings or not seems kinda pointless right now.
Yikes. That’s a four horsemen of deplorables. What a horrible echo chamber of depravity.
GrayJay is an app associated with Louis Rossmann and lot of people seems to like him and therefore has gotten lot of traction lately but there is something you should know. This app is not open source even though source may be available. The app is not licensed in any existing open source license such as GPL, BSD, or MIT, etc. The source license is basically does not allow freedom of redistribution of modified code so therefore it fails the minimal definition of open source. Louis Rossmann has gone on the record on video saying he will sue people if someone were to do something with code he does not approve of whatever that means. Number of people have tried to tell him not to call GrayJay an open source app but he simply ignored them. It’s pretty clear he is now just calling this app open source for marketing purposes which I think is misleading and deceptive.
If you want to buy the app because you find it useful and you don’t care about open source, that’s perfectly fine. However if you believe that supporting an open source ecosystem is part of the reason for supporting GrayJay, then you should know what’s really happening here.
EDIT: I did some digging and it appears Louis Rossmann has stopped referring GrayJay as open source app. I tried searching for his original GrayJay announcement video and it appears it’s gone. I guess enough people have pestered him about his misconception of open source so he removed all mention of open source. GrayJay does have a source code available and it comes with LICENSE. Good on him to clarify the situation. Just for clarification, it is clearly not open source because of non-commercial limitation. This license is not compatible with open source so using any portion in your open source project is not allowed. The limitation is so broad that it’s probably best to just stay far away from it to be safe.