… The consequence of being put in a for-profit slavery prison?
… The consequence of being put in a for-profit slavery prison?
As someone in the US - I have absolutely zero recognition of the town of Oregon City. All I know about the Oregon trail is a bunch of people died from starvation and dysentery
I still use a c to audio adapter most of the time when I’m out and about. My wired earbuds don’t need to charge, have much better sound quality than wireless, and if one side falls out of my ear it just swings down instead of falling into the dirt/water/snow. As far as I’m concerned the only benefit of wireless is that they can’t catch on anything, and that’s more a skill issue than anything imo
If it helps, the dryer in our apartment makes a super loud buzzing for 10 seconds twice whenever it finishes unless you twist the dial to stop it early. And by loud, I mean you hear it from your neighboring apartments too. And it’s not a bug, we checked. It’s a feature.
Oh my bad - stein was actually on the ballot in 38 states so she could’ve won if she won almost all of them, but the chances of that are low enough to not even hope it could’ve worked.
A vote for Stein this year was a vote for Trump. Vote green in your local and state elections to get support growing, don’t vote for them for president when they aren’t even on enough ballots to win and the alternative is a literal hitler-worshipper.
Edit - Stein was actually on the ballot in 38 states so she technically could’ve won. I was thinking of Claudia De la Cruz and the PSL party - I have the same sentiment with them this election. These two divided the left and only benefited Trump. Vote green or PSL in your local elections and grow support for the non-democrat left.
You… Have seen the clip right? What else could he even possibly be pretending to do? https://youtube.com/shorts/d9mWoTPhOIE?si=j5J9OMeiuu0LmywT
I pay for music streaming on Tidal. I have a pretty big library of music from attempts to get away from streaming (and keep it up on Soulseek), but I use curated playlists too much to get away from streaming
There is also TempleOS, with a fork of C called Holy C built specifically for better integration with it
My company already did - it was a shitshow and my laptop sucks even more now.
It sounds like a barebones beef stroganoff
Half right - he did battle depression his entire life, and he was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson’s not too long before committing suicide. There’s really no way to prove which one influenced his decision more, but it was likely because of both.
The main limitation of Nvidia gpu’s is you can’t use Wayland on most WM’s (you can on Ubuntu, but then you’re using Ubuntu)
My life got much better after I blocked that account a few weeks ago
Just a warning, the big factorio 2.0 update and space age dlc are coming out on October 21st. My supervisor is taking the whole week off for it
I switched to proton mail about 3 months ago since I was already using proton VPN and pass and I’m very happy with it so far. If you use pass + mail you can easily create website-specific aliases (automatically or with a few button presses) so you don’t expose your own email, and if you start getting spam you’ll know exactly who sold your email.
Primary downside is that since all of your mail is encrypted, on mobile you can only use the official proton mail app, not any third party apps. On desktop there is a bridge app that lets you use others though (I personally use thunderbird)
Multi monitor issues are purely on your distro - and are pretty easy to fix. At least for me on arch and bspwm (I haven’t touched a Debian based install or full DE in years), setup was as easy as making my randr script run when my WM starts up, I imagine it’s even easier with a full DE.
For 2.5 gb/s internet… I’ve never run into any problems or even had to configure anything. Fresh barebones arch install with lan, 2.5 gb/s out of the box. If you’re getting less (my guess is 1 gb/s?) it’s almost certainly a hardware issue (motherboard/network card is only 1 gb/s, port on router and/or switch is 1 gb/s, etc)
If you’re having trouble with something, I highly recommend searching for the problem after checking a relevant wiki (archwiki is an awesome resource if you’re on arch). If you’re having issues you can’t find problems to, feel free to shoot me a message and I’ll try to help you out. I’m no expert, but I’ve been exclusively on Linux for 3 years (since I graduated and no longer was required to be on windows at all) and haven’t run into any issues that I didn’t find a relatively easy fix for)
What are you even talking about? Her net worth is -47k to 45k as of 2023. Her only income is her salary from Congress, she doesn’t even invest in stocks because she (rightly) sees it as insider trading for anyone in Congress to invest in stocks. She is one of the poorest members in Congress, trumpers just can’t comprehend someone not exploiting their position for personal gain so they make stuff up lol