You’ve just used the word “normie”. Why would anyone even read the rest of the post?
Global namespace extremist. Defragment your communities!
You’ve just used the word “normie”. Why would anyone even read the rest of the post?
When you stop voting for maniacs messing with our monetary sytem, we can shut the bitcoin down. Until then, hands off my sudoku.
to educate themselves
In other words, to do their own research?
I’ll show myself out…
The opposite. I’m afraid I will waste my life procrastinating, not even being aware of what it has to offer.
Yet somehow the same people can be trusted to select the best among them to make the rules for everyone.
I sense huge r/antiwork vibes. I hope it will be at least as much fun.
In my experience, this is not the case. It just says it can’t connect. Doesn’t specify how or where to.
Our backup server has a chatbot now. If that’s not throwing things at the wall, I don’t know what is.
Not destroyed, merely transformed. Human waste can be turned into fertilizer. Still no theft in sight…
We’d be better off going back to barter than trying to peacefully pry the system from their clutches.
Normal people would just start selling the beige shirts…
No need for doubt. There is no technology in place that would guarantee any kind of privacy.
For the current version, we are using a Mistral LLM (Mistral 7B) hosted within Mozilla’s GCP instance.
Found myself replacing the broken file roller flatpak by the file roller from thr APT repo.
The desktop linux feels more and more like windows as time goes on. The things that worked fine for years are being broken in new and innovative ways.
High quality positive content
It took 3 hours and we already got to gatekeeping culture.
Personally, I’m a big fan of leaving. When shooting, or barbed wires are imminent, just pack your family, some essentials and go have a long boring life somewhere else.
As long as you’re alive, you have options. And the majority of them are usually better than just giving up and dying, either by a civil war or under the occupation forces.
The only thing not clear is the timing. How close is the shit from the fan at any particular moment?
The goal of the hostile country is to cause chaos and conflict. It does not care if an insider or outsider does it.
The only way to win is not to play.
That’s one of the most dangerous myths about marxism and similar ideologies.
It wouldn’t work even if everybody had their best intentions in mind, and did their absolute best to contribute.
Yes. Because the value if everything is relative.