• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 25th, 2024

  • if I am correct in the snippets I’ve read the new guy is good on civil rights issues. that won’t completely turn off the black women. and black women staying engaged is paramount.

    I didn’t know too much about who endorsed wikler but seeing who endorsed him makes me feel better that he didn’t win. no offense to the guy but I feel very comfortable knowing that the key people who engineered biden’s ouster, and are perfectly okay with blocking legislation to prevent congressional insider trading, and have essentially done nothing to put brakes on citizens united (in fact I think they are embracing it which should be extremely disturbing. especially since they suck at using it) didn’t get their guy.

  • honest answer: a 45 year project to delegitimize the media by routinely calling them “liberal”, so much so that the major media reflexively frames every issue with a pro republican bias, goes soft on republicans in interviews, harder on democrats that was sped up with the introduction of fox news in 1998 and their “fair and balanced” tagline even though they were blatantly pro republican.

    now you throw in all of these conservative propaganda online media distribution networks and actual true believers who bought into the “democrats are traitors and the enemy who deserve to be shot” rhetoric started by newton leroy gingrich and sprayed across the country by rush limbaugh having prominent positions in elected office and this is how you devolve into a despotic idiocracy run by a weak autocrat calling himself strong and protected by the truly evil people who are actually running things.

    tldr the conservatives scared the media into being pro gop just so they wouldn’t be labeled as liberal even though conservatives call them liberal anyway.

  • remember when it wad said that obama couldn’t get visibly angry and shouty, even when those reactions would be appropriate and deserved? it was because the image of the angry black man would have been pure oxygen to the racist and both sides blame game fire. and it looks like the same thing is happening here with some people thinking being “chummy” with trump at carter’s funeral was some sort of acceptance message. it wasn’t. in fact i think the same don’t appear to be the angry black man rules apply here. it’s not that obama didn’t show trump the back of his head when they were close, it’s that obama couldn’t because then the story wouldn’t be about the funeral. it would be about obama being rude to the president-elect, and trump would use that to claim even more victim status.

    you can still hate someone and what they stand for and still be polite in a very public setting. this was a total non-story that corporate vichy media was trying to use to stir up controversy (which drives up clicks and views) which failed miserably. any outlet trying to revive said issue needs to be looked at skeptically for their reasons why it was doing so.

  • “How is it that there are so many Americans who own so many guns who are so indiscriminate about using them when someone makes them upset, and yet you’ve got four in 10 American adults carrying medical debt?” (Doctrow) said. He’d heard of people who wouldn’t approach someone who was texting at a movie theater or swerving across traffic because they might have a weapon. “How is it that people who fly off the handle under such trivial circumstances are so sober and responsible and even-keeled when it comes to these things that when I imagine them, all I can think is I would lose my mind?”

    I can tell you why in less than 25 words: the gun lobby wants people to buy guns and be afraid of everyone, and you never see the person who approves medical procedures.

  • the party would rather have members who play nice with money and power and make public pointless grandstanding actions in public rather than members who connect with the actual people, listen to the people, and fight for the people.

    with 3 exceptions, I have always voted for the democratic candidate in the 22 years that I have been eligible to vote. and I refuse to register with the party because the national party does stupid shit like this. it’s as though they are intentionally trying to never join the party. and yet I get bombarded with fundraising emails and snail mail. MEIN GOTT the begging.

    i vote for democrats because they are closer to where I am and they are viable. how many nonpartisan voters like me aren’t that tactical and stay home and cost themselves elections?

    before this election I was not in favor of an electoral age cap for office. now I’m strongly in favor of one. it’s clear as day that these gerontologic electeds who have been in office since clinton and bush, the first bush, that they are so out of touch that mercury has a better chance of touching pluto than they are with the base of the party. vote out all of the olds. I don’t just want them not in power but still in office because then they could still have influence behind the scenes. get them away from the controls of power.

  • my workaround for glucose watch monitoring is an android app called gluroo. if you’re using an app that sends your glucose data to a server gluroo pulls that data from the server and displays it on your watch as a specific watchface so the info that’s displayed is as accurate as the sensor you’re currently using. the downside is that gluroo can’t pull directly from whatever app you happen to be using, so going to an area with no data service at all will show no stats even though your phone is right there.

  • since a lot of functionality at my job that doesn’t require me to physically be in the office can be done on a web browser I use my tablet as a work computer if the office is occupied. before this year I used my smartwatch as a phone monitor because even vibrating I can’t feel my phone ringing in my pocket or vibrate for text messages. and it was literally vitally important that I be available 24/7. these days I no longer need to be constantly available but I now have to monitor my glucose levels so I found a watchface and corresponding phone app to send that information to my phone.

    tablets and watches still have a place for a lot of people.

  • voting is absolutely worth the squeeze when you do it. however voting also is heavily dependent on a voting base that is both highly engaged in the process and is knowledgeable about the issues.

    so when you have elections where:

    1. a third or more of all eligible voters do not vote
    2. laws have been passed to make it harder to vote for some people
    3. a majority of the people who do vote have only paid attention to campaign issues for at the most the two weeks directly before the end of voting and
    4. voters are not given the facts about each candidate by a press that is more interested in manufacturing a close race for pure financial gain rather than accuracy in telling the truth about the candidates

    voting completely defeats the purpose. because the end result is not one based on actual facts, it’s an outcome manufactured by vested interests with near infinite resources given the petina of legitimacy by playing on the fact that people were freely given a choice. more times than not there’s enough people who are paying attention to overcome that deficit in the ability to message. but the times when it does not it goes really wrong.

  • ctkatz@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlHow did you find Lemmy?
    2 months ago

    i used the android app “reddit is fun”. i had stopped using reddit well before the api and public offering drama so i had absolutely no idea it was going on. i needed to get an answer to a question and the google search led to a reddit link. typically i normally chose web links, but this time i said, what the hell, and opened the link with rif. then i read the changelog of the app. that pointed to a lemmy instance for rif (which does not have a lemmy version btw) and that’s where i caught up on all the bullshit i missed during the intervening 3 years.

    ps i also have a .ml account. it was the easiest one to create an account with at the time. if i could transfer all the stats and comments i made with this account and transfer it to one that allowed swearing (for instance you can’t use the word that describes selling one’s self for money or other favors that sounds similar to a garden tool called a hoe) i’d do it.

  • it is.

    I had been using samsung devices and lg devices for quite a bit and I could send audio to two bluetooth devices with the note 8. I had always carried two devices, my other device was the a32. I had thought it was something that was a normal thing. then I upgraded to an xperia 1 III. a while later I then tried to send audio to two different speakers. I first connected to one of my speakers and then tried to connect to another one at work. it did connect, but it disconnected from my speaker. looking around I find out that it was a pretty much samsung only thing. opening up the ability to all android devices is a good thing.

  • They’re simply bad at showing off the good that they do

    pardon me, but I think this is an extremely bad take. because the two things that were glaringly obvious to me over the last 8 years have been

    1. the total whitewash, sanewashing, and normalization of trump in every aspect by major legacy media and
    2. the total ignorance of any democratic accomplishment by that same media.

    it is extremely hard for a party to proclaim their good things when the people who have the most exposure to the public outright refuse to tell people about it. pundits have complained bitterly about the democrats communication problem on network tv but never seem to question those same tv networks why they won’t talk about what the democrats just did. and when democrats appear on those same shows and bring up their accomplishments themselves the hosts are completely disinterested in the topic and don’t allow the democrat to expound further on their accomplishments.

    this country has a severely unbalanced media coverage and bias issue that no one wants to talk about because it exposes how much the media has been bought and bullied by the right wing. for at least 40 years it’s just accepted that what a republican says goes unchallenged while the democrat gets no positive press whatsoever. acceptance of the false “liberal media” trope is baked in and simply taken as fact. it’s no wonder why the news is distrusted and no one pays it any attention anymore.