Ha, you have 14 upvotes right now, cool coincidence.
Ha, you have 14 upvotes right now, cool coincidence.
Somebody’s thirsty.
Drugs from the darknet delivered anonymously.
A blank card.
Best thing though is what others said, nothing.
Did you hear the portion of the speech immediately preceding the shark talk - he was glitching super hard and froze up on discussing military stuff. He only got into the shark battery talk because he couldn’t muster anything else.
I agree with you, but then I just thought of the political eras that gave us Nazis, Stalin and the gulags, Mao and the Cultural Revolution and thought hmm politics could be crazy before, also.
His is even more so.
I use CalTopo, and can make PDFs of the exact area I want and then print custom maps as backups for hiking.
The BBC article doesn’t read as hyperbolic about the incident at all really to me. Seems pretty balanced for what occurred, which would be alarming and unsettling to anyone.
I’m tired, boss. Paragraph breaks please, can’t climb wall of text.
Can he be any more unlikeable?
Great, Slavi Ukrainian! Godspeed guys, keep it up!
Holy hell
Great write up, professional commentators should quote your take.
Slavi Ukraini! I hope they can fly 100 of these through.
Another happy Kagi user here, it’s great.
The lie notwithstanding, it’s also rude to the little children!
Top of the article:
Nicola Smith, The Telegraph’s Asia Correspondent, was onboard a Philippine Coast Guard ship accompanying fishermen near the disputed Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea on Tuesday when her vessel was attacked by the China Coast Guard
I was standing on the deck of a Philippine Coast Guard shipwhen a Chinese vessel opened fire with its water cannon.
The powerful jets of water initially looped into the air – but within seconds they had begun to batter our craft, pounding down on the stern of the ship.
There were moments of chaos: Filipino crew members dived for cover, screaming instructions to each other…
The best I ever received? Start saving and investing when you’re young to benefit from compound interest over time. I didn’t take the advice, but I received it!
Thank you very much for that link, great resource.
The demographic of Lemmy skews toward people who aren’t into celebrity worship, probably.