As long as he can make money off of tiktok (either through videos or bribes) he’ll keep extending it.
According to Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles, yes. The body finishes dying and evacuates everything shortly after being turned.
You’ve gotten a few answers already that explain what it is, but a lot of the discussion misses the “why” of the situation. There’s a strong anti-US government part to the whole situation that basically says “if you’re going to ban tiktok in the US because you’re afraid of China getting our data/controlling the algorithm then we’ll just join a social media site whose servers are actually in China!” It’s a big FU to the government.
I’m sad that none of the other responses seem to have gotten the Wayne’s World 2 reference.
Richard Gere, and it was a gerbil.
Rather than taking the time to try and research Elon, it’s probably faster to just read the Wikipedia entries on the German Nazi party and apartheid South Africa. That should give you a pretty good idea of what he believes and is pushing.
Thanks for the reminder of why I have you tagged as “Transphobic Piece of Sh¡T”
Don’t have to issue visas if Mexico becomes a US state.
Of course, if Mexico becomes a US state then theoretically the Mexicans become US citizens, with all the rights and protections that affords.
Yup, and if you reported it as hate speech they’d review it and say it doesn’t go against community guidelines.
Going to once again suggest listening to the Behind the Bastards episodes about him. He’s a psycho.
Do you want super buff trans men using the women’s room? Because this is how you get super buff trans men using the women’s room.
Unfortunately there could be a video of him r*ping an underage girl while she’s holding her id up to the camera and repeatedly stating her age and roughly half the population wouldn’t care.
I subscribe to the “humans are space orcs” theory. All the other races are terrified of us because we brute forced our way to the top of the food chain on a hell planet.
Why would I want to continue associating with someone that voted to endanger people I care about?
If he refused to do the job I’m sure the 25th would be invoked immediately.
Yes, Trump definitely has a final solution for Gaza.
Blue maga is not a thing, has never been a thing, and will likely never be a thing.
Depending on whether the video creator has allowed it, long press on the video and select “save video”.
Something, something, dictator on day one…