Organic doesn’t let you add stuff like streets and buildings, but you can still add businesses, shops etc
Organic doesn’t let you add stuff like streets and buildings, but you can still add businesses, shops etc
I’m a Pirate Solitaire enjoyer, because I’m a Zachtronics freak lol
I just lookup stuff on YouTube via NewPipe; sometimes I might rip a Bandcamp album and listen to it with a media player (Metro)
Technically true, but it’s easier to refer to it as emulation
You could emulate Android on Linux before, now you can also emulate Linux on Android
The circle of libe is compleet
Reaction wheels just don’t cut it anymore
SunVox is also pretty cool, as far as trackers go
The real question is – can you use the Terminal without Linux?
I just open my music in mpv lol. Used to use MOC, but I couldn’t get it to work with multimedia keys, so I ditched it
when it eated too much
It’s alright
When I first saw this post, it had no comments on it, and thought to myself “Wouldn’t it be kinda funny if nobody answers that question?”
Don’t think I ever had any particular epiphanies concerning Git? Maybe when I played Oh My Git?
You can do some automation with GitHub Actions, but I have no idea if it can do specifically that
All this terminal stuff is absolutely not necessary for an average user; graphical applications are often more than enough
Both lol. The reason is that I had to render it to DOCX each time for my PI to review it, because she was an old retrograde woman. Therefore, rendering the document, committing changes and reading Git and Pandoc documentation took time – the time that I could’ve used to write the actual thing
I used it once for version controlling my master’s when I was writing it. I wrote it in Markdown with Pandoc syntax, so it worked. I eventually gave up and just used LibreOffice, though, since it was a hassle
I mean, you can put the applet on the panel yourself, if you want to
I use Firefox’ built-in password manager; anything else is a hassle to use tbh